Chapter 7

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(A/n: This is not edited.)--------

After the video Mark came downstairs. "Hey Cass can you come up stairs now?" Mark asks. I look at Jack. "No. We're still making challenge videos." I say looking at Mark. "Ahhhh. You made like 5 challange videos!" He says and walk over. "Good point. Fine I'll go up with you." I say and get up from my chair. "Yay let's go!" Mark says grabbing my hand and dragging me all the way up to his room. "Jezz babe what you need?" I ask siting on his bed. He smirks and says "You" in a deep voice. I smile and get up and walk to my room. "Ah that sucks for you." I say and I walk into my room. "Awe why?!" He says following. "Because I'm tired. I recorded like 7 videos so I'm tired." I say and I lay on my bed. "Can I sleep wit you?" He asks standing by the bed. "I don't care." I say and smile. He smiles and gets in bed and spoons me.

Nina POV.
I was just siting on the couch as Cass and Jack were making videos downstairs. I got a little bored so I turned on the TV and I see Cassidy being dragged upstairs by Mark. I shake my head and after a little bit Jack came upstairs and came over to me and layed his head on my lap. "Hey Jackaroony." I say and pet his green hair. "Hey Na Na." He says and looks up at me. I kiss his cheek and lean back still petting his hair. We both fall asleep about a hour later.
~~Time skip to mornig~~~~
Cassidy's POV
I start to wake up and I feel Marks arms around me. I smile then I feel he has morning wood. I try to get up slowly and I go to the bathroom. I'm brushing my teeth and I feel Mark against me. "Morning sexy mama." He says in my ear. "Morning sexy daddy." I say back to him. "Ooo I like that. Daddy." He says and grabs my ass. "Kinky much?" I say with a giggle. "No I mean I would like to have a kid." He says turning me around to face him. "Really? Y-You want to have a kid?" I ask blushing. "Yeah. I'd love to have one with you." He says pulling me close. "I'd love to too." I say giving him a kiss. "We can do a quicky if you want? I'm hard and ready to go." He says with a chuckle. "Sure." I say with a giggle kissing his neck.

"Ah that was good babe." He says laying next to me panting. "Yeah it was." I say smileing. I got up and I got dressed. Mark whines as i get dressed. I shake my head and walk out the door to go to the kitchen. I make myself some eggs. After I'm done eating I go and talk to Nina. "Yeah so me and Mark are trying to have a kid." I say to Nina as i sit on the couch. "No way congrats!" She says and hugs me. "Thanks." I say as i pull away from the hug. We talked for a while longer, then we went outside and rode horse.

Mark POV
"Wow that was great!" I think as i get dressed. I walk over to Jack's room. "Hey Jack do you think we could talk?" I ask nervously. "Yeah sure anything for a buddy!" He says all peppy. "Ok so I wanted your opinion on something." "Sure what is it?" Jack asks in a heavy Irish acent. "Do you think Cassidy will say yes?" I say pulling out a small box with a Aquamarine wedding ring. "Of course man. She loves you a while lot, and I heard though the grape vine you guys are trying to have a kid." He says and I look at him with a tilted head. "Thanks and did Cass tell you?" I ask. "No. Nina told me before they went riding." "Oh ok. Hey should I propose today?" I ask looking at the time. "Sure I don't see why not." He says and nudges me. "Ok I'll go ask if she want to go out on a date tonight." I say running outside to Cass.
Cassidy's POV
Me and Nina have been riding for a little over a hour. I saw Mark come towards me so j got off my horse and walked over to him. "Hey babe what you need?" I ask and hug him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight?" He asks hugging me back. "Yeah fancy or casual?" "Fancy and at 9pm." "Ok. I'll be in in about 2 hours." I say giving him a kiss before I go back to my horse. ~~Time skip to before the date~~
(The clothes are what they are wearing for the date and Cassidy's ring)"I'm just about done!" I say as i finish curling my hair. Mark walks over to my bathroom watching me do my hair. "Your so beautiful Cass." He says and hugs me from behind after I shut off my curling iron. "And your so sexy." I say and turn around hugging him. "We're both sexy." He said with a chuckle. I giggle and kiss him. "Well ready to go?" He ask pulling away from the hug. "Yep let's go." I say walking out of my room to our pick up. He walks out about 5 minutes later.
Mark's POV
Cassidy walked out to the pick up and I went to talk to Jack. "Hey Jack, when should I ask Cass?" I ask standing in his room. "When you guys are having dessert or if you guys are having a nice time, like talking about nice stuff, complament her and all that." He says walking to me. "Ok thanks man." I say starting to walk off. "Ok good luck man!" He says and pats my back as i walk down stairs. I get in the pick up and start to head into town. I put one hand in Cass's knee while still looking at the road. She smiles and puts her hand on mine. "So were are we going?" She asks. "Black Angus Steakhouse." I say looking at the road. "Oh I love that place! There Steaks are phenomenal." She says as we pull into the parking lot. "Good. I thought you would like this place to eat." I say geting out and running to get her door. "Awe thanks babe." She said and kissed my cheek. We walked in and we got a dark semi circle booth and we got our drinks. "What should we record tomorrow?" She asks touching my leg. "Oh I know. After dinner I'll tell you." I say touching her leg. She blushes and asks, "Why can't you tell me now?" "Because, I want to tell you later. Anyway I love your dress, and you." I say makeing circles on her leg with my fingers. She giggles and blushes and says "Thank you baby."
Cassidy's POV
Mark has been so nice tonight. I could also see he was a little horny. I sat close to Mark because it made me feel safe. "Thanks for the food babe." I say and I kiss his cheek. "No problem. Hey do you want dessert?" He asks. Of course I said yes and we had a piece of cake. In the middle of eating our cake Mark got out of the booth and pulled me out to. Once I was standing in front of him he got on one knee. "Cassidy. Will you make me the the happiest man in the galaxy and be my wife?" He asks opening a small box with a ring with my birthstone in the center. "Yes! I would love to be your wife!" I say crying and he stood up and kissed me. "Your my Wifeiplier." He says and hugs me. "And your my Husbandplier." I say hugging back. All around us there was people cheering and whistling. I blush and Mark pulled me out to the pick up and we got in. "Why are you in such a hurry?" I ask putting my hand in his inner thigh. "So we can have make that baby!" He yells and chuckles. "Oh yeah." I say kneading his buldge. He's moaning and almost going over the speed limit. "Don't get us pulled over." I say stoping. "I-I won't." He says putting my hand back were it was. "Ok I trust you." I say kneading again. We got home and Mark carried me to his bedroom and took off my boots. I was just smiling because he was now my husband. I can't believe he asked me to be his wife. And I can't belive he wants to have a baby with me.
Ok all done with this chapter!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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