Chapter 5:?????

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Mark's POV
Me and cass were laying in her bed with "Whistle" still playing on her speaker. Cass was asleep in my arms. She looks so cute when she sleeps. I carefully slip out of her bed and put on my clothes and lay back in bed with her. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, it scared Cassidy up.
Cassidy's POV
I get startled awake by someone knocking at my door. "YEAH!" I yell over the music. "HEY CAN YOU TURN YOU MUSIC OFF WE'RE TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE!" Nina yells. "OK!" I go shut off the music. I get on my clothes and Mark redid my braid cuz it was messed up. "That was amazing." I say to Mark hugging him. "Yeah it was." He says kissing the top of my head. I nuzzle my face in his chest. "Wait did she say we?!" I say looking up at Mark. "Oh shit! Jack's going to give us shit about this!" He says and plops on the bed. "How will he know?" I ask limping over to him. "Because of your walk and both of our hickeys." He says. "Well if he does just ignore it and brag that you slept with a girl before him." I say runing my hand up and down his stomach. "Hehe your right." He says and sits up. "Well let's go out there and get some food" I say unlocking the door. "Ok." He says as we walk to the kitchen. "Hey Cass, are you ok, you kinda have a limp." Nina asks. Jack smirks. "Uh....yeah I didn't notice I was limping." I say pulling out a bag of popcorn. Mark goes and sits on a recliner. Jack looks at me then to Marks. "Are thos hickeys?" He asks us and we feel our necks. "Yeah why you ask?" I say and Mark looks back at me with a shocked face. "Ooo did you guys **?" Jack asks using hand gesture for sex. I go sit on Marks lap and nod. "OMG WHEN!" Jack asks and Nina just looks confused. "Wait, are you guys dating?" Nina asks and leans on jack. "Yeah we are." Mark says and kisses my cheek. "And we did it like a half hour ago. That's why the music was playing." I say getting up to get the popcorn out of the microwave. "REALLY!! Wow we didn't even hear you?" Jack says and kisses Nina. "Wait, you guys are dating too?!" I ask as i sit on Marks lap and he reclins the chair. "Yeah since last night." Jack says and hugs Nina. "Wow us too!" Mark says.
~~~After the movie~~~~~
"Ugh I need to make a video!" I say as i run to the recording room. Mark skips behind me and sits on the floor. I was siting in my chair in the recording room and Mark was looking at me from the floor. "Mark want to sit in the chair?" I ask standing up. He go up quickly and sat on the chair. I knelt down by my desk and was working on getting my game ready. "Babe want to sit on my comfy lap?" Mark asks patting his lap. "Are you sure?" I ask winking at him. "Oh I'm sure." He says and picks me up and sets me on his lap. "Awe so sweet." I say as lean back and kiss his cheek.

I finish my game with Mark and he went home for a little while to finish his recording. All of a sudden I hear Mark yell "FUCK" and I heard the front door open and slam shut. Mark burst in my room pissed with a little bit of saddness. "What's wrong babe!"I ask as i get up to hug him. "Look!" He says and showed me a piece of paper. "Oh shit! I'm sorry Mark." I say. The paper was about him having to move out of his apartment. "Well you guys could s-stay here?" I say as I sit on my bed. Mark comes and sits next to me. "I-If you and Nina are ok with us living here." He says a little nervous. "Ok hold on!" I run out of the room and ask Nina. I run back to Mark. "She dosent care!!" I say and hug him. "REALLY!?!?!" Mark asks excitedly. "YEAH SHE DOSENT CARE!?!" I say and sit on his lap. "Well hi roomie!" He says and kisses my cheek. I giggle and hug him. "We need to figure out how our setups are going to go." I say walking to the recording room. "Well it's pretty big. Pun intended." Mark said and I giggle. "Well. This my be crazy but we all could move to my big ass place in North Dakota?" I siting in my chair. "How big is it?" He says and giggles. "Well it's a 3 story house and has like 7 beds, 4 bath. It was my parents old place but they passed a while back now I inharited the farm." I say looking at him. "That would be a great idea! We each could have a recording room, and we each get a bedroom." He says and hugs me. "Let's see if the other two think it's a good idea." I say and head out of my room and go to the living room, Jack and Nina were cuddling on the couch. I asked them and walked back to Mark. "They said it's a awesome idea!" I say exactly and Mark pulls me into a embrace. "Yay! Are we moving tomorrow?" Mark asks looking at me. "How about in 3 days. So we have time to pack and get our shit ready." I say looking into his dreamy eyes. "Yeah that would work. And when we get up there, next week will be Christmas!" He says swinging me around. "I know when we get there we can decorate! So excited!" I says kissing Marks cheeks.
~~~Time skip to a day after they move~~~~~~
I can't believe we're back on my farm!! My farm is so huge. "So its settled, Mark and I sleep on 2nd floor, Nina and Jack on main level, and recording rooms downstairs?" I ask standing in the middle of the living room with the others around me. "Sounds great!" They say and run to pick out our rooms. Mark and I are across the hall from each other on the 2nd floor, Jack and Nina are beside each other on Main floor. I bring up some of my boxes to my Master bedroom. I left my door open so Mark and I can talk, also so I could tease him. "So after we're done getting our stuff unpacked you wanna see who wants what recording room." Mark asks from his room. "Sure, but I'll need some help over here, I have a lot of shit to put away." I say standing in his door way. "Well I'm almost done, I could help you after I'm done." He says looking at my galaxy leggings I put on before I walked over to his room. "Ok." I say slowly walking away. I go to my private bathroom and put all my toiletries away. I dropped a brush, right when I did I heard Mark run over. "Cass are you ok!?!" He asks looking me in the eyes. "Yeah I just dropped my brush, why?" I ask putting my hands on his shoulders. "I just worried that you fell or something." He says and pulls me into a hug. "Awe so careing!" I say into his chest. "Hey are you done so you can help me unpack."I ask pushing him out of the way. "Yeah, just finished when you scared the shit out of me." He says sitting on my bed. He helps me unpack and we were teasing each other. 'I love him so much!'
Another chapter done!


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