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Here's my thank you to all the people that made "The Independent Girl" possible.

Wattpad. Perhaps this novel would never have seen the light if not for wattpad.

My father, who encouraged me to continue writing, despite the obstacles that I faced in my day to day life. My brother, Venkat, who helped me with the cover design.

Sam Razzy (@Love_Write in wattpad), who first suggested that I should get this book published. His constant encouragement and interest to see this book published is phenomenal. He even suggested that he would build a website for me and he did! Sam, I am so fortunate to have a fan and friend like you.

My friends, Swetha, Sudha, Lalitha, Rekha, Lavanya, Asha for their encouragement and guidance throughout the story.

My wattpad friends, who have supported me and provided me the confidence that I can write including @shruthii, @shachi1298, @archie2525, @PureIntuition11, @achu2911, @hobnails, @jimrileyenlight, @SumiSudheer, @RaviTejJupudi, @farhananazrin, @nes075, @Love_Write

100_over_Twenty group for their valuable feedback on writing aspects.

@nes075, @scarletoak who took the pains to work on the other covers of the Independent Girl.

My editors Emily Nemchick and Elizabeth Redd, for doing an awesome job of pointing out the issues with my writing.

My husband and my daughters for enduring the time that I was away from them in order to write this.

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