Chapter 64: Wait...What?

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He rolls off next to me, as we're sweating and still breathing fast. "Don't...Ever....Do...That....Again....You Slut" he says breathlessly inbetween breaths. I was so weak and tired I could barely speak. All we saw next to us was the belt, the clothes, and the ends of the sheets. When suddenly, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall walk in. They all come in applauding, and I cover up with one of the sheets. "What the hell?" I ask Harry, breathelssly. "Wow Harry! We never knew you could punish someone like THAT" Louis says while applauding. I looked at Harry who was completely clueless, and red because of blushing. "Guys? What are you doing here?" he asks surprised, at the applauding boys that now stop. "Well, we heard a bunch of neighbors complaining, and we were downstairs hearing all of the yelling. "What did you guys h-hear?" I ask, scared. "Well we heard.-" he clears his throat and they all follow, getting ready to immitate us. "DONT DO THAT EVER AGAIN" says Louis, his voice deep. I laugh, and then I realize they weren't done. "HARRY I NEED YOU IN ME RIGHT NOW!!" immitated Zayn with a high-pitched girl voice. "THATS WHAT YOU GET YOU DIRTY SLUT"  immitates Niall. I feel heat flush to my cheeks as I stare at Harry who's now covering his 'parts' with a part of the sheets. "What I don't get is you guys aren't even in a relationship an you guys do all of this?" asks Liam, concerned. "Just get in a relationship" suggests Louis. We both shake our heads as we lay down flatly, and try to catch our breath still, as i hear Harry sigh. "You guys aren't ever going to let us live this down, are you?" asks Harry annoyed. "Nope" they all say, in sync. I laugh at Harry before he turns to face me with a seirous face and I look forward with a serious face too. Louis bends down and picks up the belt. "Whoa, what happened here?" "What do we have hereee..." -Niall.  Louis slaps his hand with the belt. "Ouch." Zayn and Liam "Ooooooh" us as Niall whistles and Louis is like the narrator. "Someone got spanked!" "Why?" asks Liam. I look up drunkily at them as Harry explains. "She went to the club and got drunk , and I caught her grinding against some guy after she had like 12 drinks." "Whoa" "Yeah" I let out a drunk giggle, and fall back, so that I lay down flatly again. I yank the covers off, leaving Harry exposed, as I get up and wrap it around me as a dress. Basically, they all just saw me naked. 

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