Chapter 4: Shopping

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As the school bell rang you and Sakura met up by the school gate and headed off towards the shopping centre. As you reached there the smile that creeped up on her, she clearly loves shopping. She grabbed your hand and dragged you into a clothes shop. You looked around and just saw dresses everywhere, on the walls from top to bottom, all in the middle and loads of girly girls. This was a small shop and it was packed to its very limit with clothes and people. As you squeezed past everyone to the changing room Sakura explained to you "you just stay here and I'll throw you everything that i think will look cute on you!" Before you could argue she was gone in the crowd of girls. You walked into the small room and closed the door and locked it. You sat down and waited for the clothes to be thrown over. "I've brought a few because I don't know what you like" a few?! More like 100! You looked through all of them but wasn't a too sure about them, but you tried each one on and showed her. Then you tried black tight fitted shirt dress on that had a low cut top. As you walked out to show Sakura she jumped in excitement. "This is the one (y/n) you look gorgeous!!" She picked up a pair of matching high heels and brought you to the till. You paid for your dress and left. "Thank god I was beginning to feel like I couldn't breath in there." You said puffing like you had just done a marathon. Sakura just giggled and pulled you into a shop that you felt very uncomfortable in.

'Victoria Secret' this was full of lacy underwear and other things but that's not what Sakura was looking at. "W-what are we doing in here?" You say trying to hint that you didn't want to be here. "Well, silly you need a special bra for that dress for it not to be seen and to look good in case 'something'  happens," she began to laugh as she saw your face turn as you realised what she meant by 'something'. You began to blush. "What! its not like you haven't done it befor-" she was cut off by looking at how you were blushing, "wait, don't tell me? Your a vir-" she was cut off once again by you covering her mouth. "Shhh I don't want the whole world to know!" She just laughed and carried in looking and pulled out an underwear set, they were lacy (f/c). She just cringed as she walked up to the till and bought them.

--Time Skip--

You went to go buy some food and began to chat.

"So (y/n), like any boys?" She smirked

"No," you lied

"Oh really, just say what you think of everyone"

"Well; Kiba is toned and sweet, Shikamaru is extremely clever, Shino is mysterious, Sasuke is strong, Choji is funny, Naruto is smiley, Sai is very good at painting, lee is quirky and Neji is thoughtful," you have no crush on anyone but you wouldn't say no to few of them.

"Well, I like Sasuke and I plan on making my move on him at the party tomorrow," you both giggled

"Does Hinata like Naruto?"

"Duh, it's so obvious and I don't know how he can't see it!"

--Time skip--

You went home with your new things and was looking forward to the party. You quickly took a shower and then put your purple pj shorts on and small black vest top. You then went to bed excited for the next day.

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