Chapter 1

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Hey all!! This is my first story.... I hope you all like it! pls, comment and if you like it, vote!!! Till then peace out!! <3

Song of the day: Somewhere in Brooklyn by Bruno Mars



Chapter 1

I squinted my eyes trying to analyze the report. I chewed on my lower lip and mentally slapped myself. I scooped the reports into my hand and walked into my work room. I eyed my patient, Liana Woods.

"What is it Miss Lakers? You know there is.... I mean nothing wrong could have..." she trailed off. Flashing my best smile I said,

"Liana, well I am so glad! Congrats! You're with a baby!" I finished.

"What?" she screeched. I bet even a bat would have found that frequency a bit too high.

"You mean, I. Am. Pregnant?!" she beamed.

"Nope, you are not, I was just seeing your reaction." I said. Her face fell in an instant.

"Hey Liana! I was kidding!" I grinned.

"Well you kinda had me there for a second doc!" she said. Her face glowed with happiness. She came forward and hugged me.

"Congrats Liana and take care and don't forget your monthly check ups okay?" I told her.

"Umm, well you know, you kinda didn't tell me how many months.." she said. Shucks. I would make such a bad doctor.

"Well I didn't? There is no surprise there anyways. 2 months. Yup!" Gosh! How did I forget that? I was never a ready made doc-material from the beginning.

"Thanks a lot!" she practically jumped.

"Hey! You know you can't jump around like that when you are carrying a baby?" I asked. She shrugged and gave me another of her death squeeze hugs. Patients and their enthusiasm. My God. She flashed a smile and I think I can see all her thirty four.

"Well, I better get going Miss Lakers" she said.

"Yeah sure. Bye Liana. Take care." She turned and left.

I got up and went to the window taking every bit of energy I could draw from the New York citizens. God, how much I love this place! I sighed and glanced at the clock. Two more minutes left for the end of visiting hours. I can't wait to go home. I know I sound like a kid cribbing at the last period of school. I know. I sighed and got up, gathering my belongings. Bless the heart of the man who founded this hospital. The best part was that, there was no need to wear that disgusting lab coat for substitutes. Yeah, no coat!

I walked out to the front lobby and bid adieu to Miss Words, the receptionist. I stormed out to be greeted by a gust of cold air. I could feel the goose bumps on my skin. I took a cab to my apartment. As soon as I reached home, I felt relieved. I took deep breaths. I hated to go to work. I hated hospitals. They made me feel nervous. Well I know how weird it seems. I was never meant to be a doctor. Never. I was a doctor for the people who wanted me to be one. People who mattered a lot to me. People who wanted to see me wear my stethoscope, but were never around when I did.

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