Genus Terras

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I can't remember anything from my past. It's all just a big blur of green. Why green, you ask? I have absolutey no idea. It just happens to be green. 

Theres suddenly a loud tapping on the door and my sister (well, adopted sister) Skyler's voice wakes me from my daydream.  

"Lily! Get your lazy ass out of bed! We've got to get to school!" I groan and swing my legs over the side of the bed, glancing around my room. It's a big room, actually, due to the fact that our parents aren't exactly poor. The walls are green (of course) and everything is neat and tidy. Theres a large dresser to my left, a school desk and makeup desk to my right, and a giant walk-in closet in front of me. The bedspread is a very floral pattern and, next to my bed, there are pictures of my family. My parents aren't actually around a lot, so we have a nanny. She's really nice, but it's just not the same as having Mum and Dad here to take care of us. "LILY! Don't make me come in there!" Skyler threatens and I just roll my eyes. 

"Go away, Sky, I've got to get ready!" I yell back, pulling on my uniform and attempting to run a brush through my wild, fiery red hair. It's about halfway down my back, and frizzy, curly, wavy and straight at the same time. I frame my blue and green eyes (they rotate colors sometimes) with a light coat of mascara and put on some foundation to cover the many freckles on my face. Yeah, I look a bit unusual, especially by how tall I am. I'm 5'11 and am always complimented on my hair and height. I really don't see what's special about it, I'd rather look like Skyler. She has pin-straight blonde hair that reaches about the same length that mine does and she has beautiful, chocolatey brown eyes. I swear I saw them change to blue once...

Once I'm ready I navigate our house along the long hallway where all my brothers and sisters rooms are. Our parents are very rich and have adopted many many kids, but only had one of their own. Skyler and I are the eldests (our birthdays are only a day apart, actually) and then John, Sarah, Ethan, then baby JuJu (a.k.a. Julia). John is ten, Sarah's seven, Ethan's six, and JuJu is almost one. Sarah is the only one out of all of us who isn't adopted. 

"Where'd you put my soccer ball?" John asks when he sees me appear in the kitchen. 

"Wherever you left it," I reply, too tired to give him a proper answer. He rolls his eyes at me and exits the kitchen. Skyler appears in the kitchen, brushing her chestnut blonde hair. 

"Sarah wants you," she tells me as I'm packing up my backpack. 


"She says Ethan's taking her stuff..." Skyler pauses, taking some cereal out of the cabinet. "Meh, something like that." I sigh heavily and make my way to Sarah's room, which is decorated heavily in pink and green, with pictures of puppies and other cute animals. Stuffed animals litter the floor and I see Ethan grabbing as many as he can and attempting to run away. 

"Not so fast," I say, grabbing the back of his color. He starts whining for me to let him go. "Not until you give Sarah back her animals." He groans and drops all the stuffed animals. "Thanks, Ethan!" I chirp, messing up his dirty blonde hair before turning to Sarah. None of us look alike and people notice. Sarah has straight, black hair and giant, brown eyes. She sends me a smile before turning back to her stuffies and organizing them. I had always had a soft spot for Sarah, but I'm not really sure why. 

"When are we leaving?" She asks me, her back still turned. 

"Same as every morning, Sarah," I say and close the door, leaving her to change. 

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" I hear John yell, running down the hall with one of his toy light sabers, Ethan following, him carrying a light saber as well. 

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