Chapter 19: Thanatos

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A flurry of black feathers danced in a rage. "Beside the point? That is the entire point!" I shouted at him, ready to throw his ass back to Olympus. Ignorant, arrogant son of Zeus. I ought to-

"Whoa!" He chuckled unfazed. "Someone has a temper. I don't remember that before your mind turned." He had the nerve to sound indignantly surprised as he took in my flared wings. "You finally got around to caring for your feathers. It's been millennias. I'm surprise you hadn't ruined them altogether in you neglect." He reached for the wing nearest to him. I didn't bother finding out for what. As quickly as they appeared, I folded them away. Apollo was not here to play healer with me. "Are you going to answer me or what?" Apollo pressed.

"About what?"

"What did you do that she is scared of touch?"

"I did try to touch her aura once, I think. I don't quiet remember what happened. Only the feel of her fist smashing into my jaw." Thinking about it, I could still feel the echo of her knuckles connecting. Not once but twice.

"Curious." He mused scratching his chin.

"Is that all you're going to say? 'Curious'?"

"If she attacks you every time you showed yourself, how did you get close enough to touch or was that after your attempt?"

"She was sleeping, I think." I raked my mind for more, but it was a confusing mess then. There was something about an apple and a 'twitch' and "'Hurts-'? She said it hurt when she was still asleep. Then, she gasped awake, fist swinging." It shouldn't have hurt her. Impossible. So why?

His face was void of any joke or mischief as he listened. For once. Heat added to pressure of his hand before the whole lot disappeared the next second "Curiouser and curiouser." He jeered, flashing me a sneer.

"If you aren't going to be any help, leave."

"But, I've been plenty help. I saved her twice already." He trumpeted with false indignations.

"Twice? You must be wrong. You've only seen her once. How can you save her twice?"

"The herbs meant for your mind saved hers it may have been weeks, but I can still sense their effects working on her. Since, I gave you those herbs, I saved her twice-Smell them. How much did you dump into the bath? The whole pouch? She only needed a teaspoon. Oh, well no harm done. I'm only glad you didn't try to feed them to her. It would have been more effective than the buttercups. And more painful for her."

Thank the Beginning, I thought of the bath. "It doesn't matter now that she is...better...Why-... Why would she do that to herself? Why does she try to run away? And before that the scratches and bruises? And the attacks. Why would she try to kil-?...Why?" I ran a hand through my hair, nails scraping against my scalp as I raked my mind for an answer.

"You actually don't know?" He blinked at me incredulously. I could only shake my head no. "Zeus Almighty. That poor girl. No wonder she tried to die. I'm surprised she didn't try sooner."

"But she had food, water, space, warmth, and a place to sleep!" I protested. "And she still hates me. Still tried to..." A stone lodged in my throat at the thought. A shudder ran down my spine. Why? Why?! WHY! "Why would she..."

"Titans. You are slower than the humans. You kidnapped her. You set her friend free and kept her instead. You. Locked. Her. In. a. Room. Like a prisoner. Like an insane asylum's inmate! With the white, lifeless walls and everything else. She is a creature of colors and nature. Hades couldn't have assigned a more perfect torture than what you did."

Torture? But, it wasn't only the room. I was taking her outside as well. Lily seemed to like it outside. She would almost smile when she opened her eyes to the meadow. She was even closer to smiling when she was running. Running almost seemed like a game with her. She would run, and I would catch her. She would try not to get caught. She knew she couldn't run away from me. She wasn't fast enough. Almost but she never would be. I would catch her each and every time.

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