Chapter 18: Lily

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Chapter 18: Lily

All was nothing. A darkness that wasn't darkness and a whiteness that wasn't white. It was neither and both at the same time. It was beautiful, the ambiguity of it all. A type of greyness. It felt right. Familiar somehow. It was odd, but what do I care about oddness or rightness anymore. What a funny thought? Why wouldn't I care?

Well, whatever it was, it was calling me, and I want to go to it. Whole heartedly. It was like a sung plucking at my soul. A sweet lullaby I've only heard in my childhood dreams, but the words were warped by the distance. I needed to get closer to hear those words once again. Needed.

But, it wasn't meant to be it seemed. Something tugged at me, deep inside from out. A warmth pulled at something very cold at my core. Oddly cold. I was sure it was supposed to be warm there if not burning me from inside out. But it was cold. So cold. It bit. And silent but the warmth was touching, spreading, moving and tugging. It felt so nice. Almost nicer than the grey song.

It was a song in its own right. And, a brightness that rivaled the sun. It smelled like the sun too. Warm and dry with a bit of spice. Maybe, it was the sun. But, that was a silly thought. Still, the sun-thing tugged and pestered.

It wouldn't let up. The sun-thing chased the grey song away. And, I entered a chaotic world of confusing colors and scenes. I couldn't make any sense of any of it. It hurt from inside and outside. A burning snap like lightning. I wanted the greyness to come back, but it was gone like fog under the sunlight. Blasted sun-thing.

~ ~ ~

The confusing mess of colors settled in a nauseating cloak. It was heavy and suffocating. I wanted to throw the whole lot off. This bed is trying to eat me. Why? I always hate this bed. Thirsty. My throat hurt like I've been screaming then rubbed raw with a sheet of sandpaper. When? Why?

Somewhere I found the half numb appendage and commanded it to move. My arms. Some of the weight moved, but not enough. But, I was too tired to try again. I shouldn't be tired. I feel like I slept for a week and a half and was beaten during the whole time. Why? -Sigh. Maybe, a few more REMs.

What is that smell? It was warm and natural; sweet and piney. Juniper. A breath in brought more info. A soft herby scent laced with a sweet floral undertone. Camphoraceous and woodsy. Lavender. Another breather brought in something cooler and sweeter. Sweet like jasmine but not as overpowering. Faintly green and wet. Like a crisp spring morning after a good cleansing rain. Lily-of-the-valley. The scent of true spring, of new birth. What a pleasant scent. Calming. Unfamiliar.

Where is it coming from? Finding out seemed like such an effort. My eyelids were lead. Eventually, I found them and forced them a crack. I expected blinding White. Maybe, the source of fragrance would be within sight to tantalize me. A reminder that I probably would not be going outside anytime soon.

Wait? Why wouldn't I-Buttercups! The memories hit me like a sack of rocks. As soon as my eyes adjusted the glare of the daylight, my mind must have been still hallucination. The sight didn't make sense. It wasn't whiteness nor the meadow. My heart fluttered at the sight.

Above my head was a canopy of woven polished juniper limbs. I turned my head to the right and on the nightstand stood vase of lily of the valley and silver purple lavender scented the atmosphere. To the left the rest of the room opened up. It was of deep olive green, golden beige, and natural beauty greeted my eyes. Two dark grained doors were set into the wall. One stood open to a dark river stone and moss bathroom. The other was shut tight. It was probably the one out.

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