“It’s okay. Did she mention what friend?”

“No, I not know. Please, Mr. Pavel, I sorry.”

He tried to reassure her that everything would be all right.

“Listen, you’re not in any trouble. Let me give you a ride home and we’ll get your car back to you tomorrow.”

“I have no clothes. Miss Teresa has them.”

“It’s okay. You can go in the bathrobe. I’ll return your clothes as well.”

“Okay, Mr. Pavel.”

“Can you give me a description of your car?”

“Is a brown Oldsmobile.”

“Do you know the plate number?”

“I not remember, but I have at home. I can give it to you when you take me.”

“Okay. Wait here a minute while I make a phone call.”

He stood up and walked into the kitchen. He slammed his fist down on the counter in frustration. He could wring her neck. What the hell is she up to?

His phone rang just as he was going to call Nick. He answered it immediately.

“Mr. Ivanovich?”


“It’s agent Montaque. I thought you’d want to know that we just spotted Teresa…” he broke off and Pavel could hear laughing in the background. He could tell Montaque was trying to stop laughing as he continued, “Sorry about that. She was going into Franco De Luca’s house.”

“What? Mancini’s man that you guys are still watching?”

The FBI stationed men to watch De Luca’s house ever since Mancini was put in prison. Although he hadn’t been part of the original arrest, they didn’t trust that De Luca wouldn’t try and get Mancini out if he had the chance.

“The one and the same. She was…ah…dressed a bit differently.”

“Yeah, I know. She’s wearing the housekeeper’s clothes.”

“Do you want us to go in there?”

Pavel pinched the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache.

“Not yet. Keep an eye on the house and her. I’ll be there as fast as I can. If she leaves, trail her. And if anyone else goes there, I want to know immediately.”

“You got it.”

He hung up, got Maria and drove her home. Fortunately, she lived just down the road so it didn’t take too much of his time. After dropping her off, Pavel headed towards town.

He was pissed. What in the world is she thinking? Is she trying to get herself killed? He wanted to take a hold of her and shake some sense into her, but knowing Teresa, it wouldn’t do any good. That woman had her own will and did just as she pleased. It would be easier trying to keep track of a child who just learned to walk.

His phone rang again. It was Montaque.

“De Luca just went in there and we haven’t seen Teresa leave.”

“Shit! That’s not good. I’m on my way. I want you in the front and your partner in the back. Make sure you’re not seen. If they come out before I get there, detain them all.”

He stepped on the gas and flew across town.


At Angelina’s, Teresa was trying to talk Franco into letting her go.

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