"Actually, I came here with the intention of offering a much different invitation."


"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

Her stomach growled. She covered it with her hands, hoping to smother the noises.

"I take that as a yes?"

"As long as you don't give me indigestion." She smoothed her hands over her soft wool gown. "Am I properly attired for dinner with a prince?"

"I don't have a stringent dress code in my private chambers. Of course, this might help dress you up a bit." He pulled an object wrapped in a cloth from his pocket.

"What is it?"

"Open it and find out."

She peeled back the layers of fine linen to reveal a sapphire-studded gold comb. Her breath froze. "It's beautiful."

"I saw it and thought of you." He placed it the center of the elaborate hairstyle Katie had woven this morning. "The gold matches your hair, but the sapphires pale in comparison to your eyes."

She grabbed her mirror, admiring the way the dainty comb sparkled in her hair. How did she respond to a compliment like that? "I don't know what to say, Kell."

"'Thank you' would be a good start."

Any hostility she held toward him melted. She lowered the mirror. "Thank you for letting me borrow the comb tonight."

"Arden, I think you misunderstood. It's a gift."

"You mean I get to keep it? But Kell, it's too expensive. I can't possibly accept—"

"Please, let me spoil you while you're here. It's a simple gift, but the joy in your face increased its value for me far more than you can imagine."

She leaned closer to him. "Are you trying to bribe me?"

"Possibly." He stopped so their faces remained mere inches apart.

"Perhaps I should tell you I can't be bought." She waited for Loku to call her a liar, but the only thing she heard in her mind was her inward plea for Kell to kiss her again.


His teasing only fanned the flames of curiosity burning inside her, and she succumbed to the need to kiss him again. She started soft, barely pressing her lips against his. When he tried to seize control, she pulled away.

His hands hovered over her shoulders like she was a fragile bubble that would pop as soon as he touched her. "The Lady Moon help me, I don't know if I can handle this torment much longer, Arden."

"What torment?" She ran her thumb along his bottom lip.

"Being on my best behavior when you—" His voice cracked, and his eyes pleaded with her.

She brushed a stray lock of hair from his face. "You are trying to be good, aren't you?"

"Only for you."

Cinder growled at Kell.

"Stop it, Cinder. Bad boy!" Her scolding probably would have been more forceful if his actions hadn't startled her.

The wolf turned to watch her, but the moment Kell took a step in her direction, his hackles rose with another growl.

Arden retreated a couple of steps. As long as the wolf stayed in the room, she and Kell wouldn't touch each other. Probably a good thing. She waited for Loku to add something, but his silence worried her. What had she and Dev done to him?

He offered his hand to her, his expression one of caution as he eyed the wolf. "Come along. Dinner's getting cold."

"Dinner sounds lovely." She offered him a smile as an apology for Cinder's behavior.

"And maybe for dessert—"

The low growl prevented him from finishing his sentence. Cinder leaned against her leg and glared at the prince.

"I wasn't thinking of that kind of dessert," Kell replied with annoyance.

As if he understood what she said, the wolf trotted ahead to the door and waited for them. Wherever they went, he was coming along, too.

She smiled. "Sorry, but Cinder's rather fond of me."

"At least you know you have an overprotective wolf."

"Unfortunately, he's a bit confused on who's a threat and who isn't."

Kell raised both brows. "So I'm no longer a threat now?"

"On the contrary, I think you can be just as dangerous as Sulaino."

"Scared I'll turn you into some mindless slave?"

"Possibly." The more time she spent alone with Kell, the closer she came to understanding her mother's mistakes. Even the gift of the comb made her think of the pendant around her neck. But she began to recognize why her mother had surrendered to her lover, how a touch or a kiss could cause a lapse in judgment. Her fingers curled around her necklace. Would her mother ever forgive her for judging her so harshly?

The heavy rush of footsteps echoed down the hall. They stopped in front of the windows at the top of the large staircase that separated the east and west wings of the palace to allow the runner to pass. A beam of moonlight fell on the drawn face of a member of the Royal Guard. He jerked to a stop when he saw them and bowed. "Your Highness, I was sent to fetch you and the witch."

She winced in spite of herself. Would she ever get used to that term?

"Why?" Kell tightened his grip on her arm and turned his body so he stood slightly ahead of her. His protectiveness almost drove away the fear gathering in her chest.

The guard pointed a shaky finger to the window. Icy fingers of dread crawled up her spine. Her body stiffened. She didn't need to look outside to know what waited for them. Instead, she reinforced her mental shields and bit back the fear that rose into her throat.

"Sweet Lady Moon," Kell gasped.

She squeezed her eyes together, not wanting to see it. Her heart pounded. The stench of rotting flesh invaded the palace walls. A tremble struggled to seize control of her body. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Time to face what she feared the most.

Thousands of glowing red eyes stared back at her from outside the city walls.

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