"No, those are words."

She raised one brow and wondered if he'd lost his mind.

"In Elvish," he added.

She studied the new form of writing. "I have to learn another set of letters?"

A faint smile appeared on his lips. "Only if you want to. Most of the documents in Gravaria are in Human. There aren't many elves left to make a difference."

A hint of sadness peeked through his mask, tugging at her heart. "What happened to them? I thought elves lived a long time."

"We do, but many have died off or mingled their blood with others. Some just disappeared over the mountains."


He shrugged, but the tightness in his shoulders told her he knew the reason.

His sober expression sucked the happiness out of her, and she changed the subject. "But back to this—what does it say?"

"Nothing." He snatched the paper from her and tore it in half. "Let's start with a new sentence."

A lump formed in her throat. Every time she felt like she made a new discovery with him, she only scratched the surface. The man was far more complex than she ever imagined.

A knock on the door spared her from his brooding. Kell stuck his head in. "Am I interrupting anything?"

She grinned. At last, some company. "Dev has been teaching me to read and write."

Dev said nothing. He crossed his arms and gazed out the window.

"The guards let him in?"

"Well, um..."

"Yes," Dev answered for her.

Kell's eyes flickered between them, narrowing. He suspected something but didn't press the issue. Instead, he approached her and nodded at the crystal vase on her desk. "I see you got the roses I sent. I remember you showed a particular interest in these."

The sweet scent of the crimson roses reminded her of his careful restraint that night. "Yes, thank you."

"Any news from your father, Your Highness?" Dev's clipped words sliced through her thoughts like an ax.

"I heard him mention something about wanting to speak to you again."

Dev turned away from the foggy landscape outside the window. "He's reached a decision?"

"If he has, I know nothing about it."

"I'd think you of all people would be privy to your father's thoughts."

"The old man still keeps some secrets from me. The contents of your previous meeting with him, for example."

The corner of Dev's mouth quirked up into a smirk. "Irritating to be left in the dark, isn't it?"

A knock sounded from the other room. A few seconds later, a string of curse words erupted from whoever entered the room.

"Guess they found you missing?" Kell heaved a dramatic sigh. "I suppose I'll clear up this mishap, but you owe me." He stepped outside.

Dev grabbed her arm as soon as they were alone. "Be careful with him."

Arden focused her fire under his fingers, causing him to release her with a yelp. "I'm getting rather tired of you ordering me around. I trust Kell. In case you haven't noticed, he's the one person in this place who wants us to get out of here alive."

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