Me and him made it to my room and packed.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/*/*/

It took about two and a half hours to get everything arranged in Zak's house. I was in Abby's new room putting her clothes up when Zak came in and leaned up against the doorframe. I folded one of her shirts and put it in a drawer

"What's up Zak?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you two are going to be ok while I'm gone"

"Of course we'll be fine"

I then heard a screech. I looked outside and saw Abby happily playing with Gracie in the backyard

She seems even more happy I thought

I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and a chin rest on my right shoulder

"She looks happy" Zak said softly

"She does" I said looking from the window to Zak, "Thank you"

He smiled and kissed me. When we broke apart I noticed something


"Hmm?" He asked tightening his grip alittle

"Who painted that?"

Zak looked to where I was pointing. There was an ivory colored castle and you could see the detail of the bricks. There were dark blue roofs, and a flag that said 'Abby's Castle' in fancy old writing. And her bed was right under it

"Billy painted it..." He said

"I'm going to have to thank him"

"I came up with the idea though" Zak said pouting

I chuckled

"And thank you Zak for coming up with the idea"

I then kissed him on the lips.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/

It's been a week since we moved in with Zak. Me and Abby were by ourselves while Zak and the gang went on a lockdown somewhere in South Carolina to do a special lockdown. Right now I'm in Abby's room playing Barbie's with her

"Kristi, would you like to come over?" Abby said while holding a wavy brown haired Barbie

"I'd love to Samantha" I said in a high pitched tone while I was holding a dirty blonde Barbie

"Mommy! Her name's Faye" Abby said holding up her Barbie

"I'm sorry" I said with a chuckle, "I'd love to Faye"

I looked up at her princess crown clock '12:34pm'

"Sweetie, mommy's got to go make lunch...What do you want?"

"Grill Cheese?"

"Alright, I'll go make it right now" I said kissing her on the forehead and then getting up.

I made it down to the kitchen and washed my hands. I got the bread, cheese, butter, skillet, and spachula out. While I was putting the butter on one side of the bread a thought hit me. I went back over to the fridge and got out the sliced ham. I finished making the sandwhich and put it in the skillet. I turned back around to wash my hands

"What the?...I thought I put this over here" I said getting the dish soap bottle, squirting alittle and put it back where I had it

I finished washing my hands and then finished up the sandwhich. Gracie came in the kitchen wagging her tail

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