Chapter 2 - Truro / Cornwall - December 1961.

Start from the beginning

- I realized that it really is quieter than normal. Roger is not so. I'll talk to him. Maybe he tells me what bothers. - I said leaving close to my other friends.

Roger was out there in front of the candy store looking at the sky was overcast. I went to meet him. He tried to pull away from me, but pulled him by the arm saying:

- Rog, what do you have? Why are you so sad?

- Be honest with me, Yasmin. I'm a bad rugby player. No need to hide.

At this time I was on alert. Roger instead of calling me Yasmine as it always has called me Yasmin. Something more serious was happening and needed to know.

- Roger, I'll be honest: you are a bad player even rugby. I will not hide. But if I say this is not in a critical tone, but because I'm your friend. You're smart, it will be a great musician in the future and to me whether or not you are a bad rugby player. We will not change our friendship. I admire you. I love you and do not like to see him sad.

He also continued thoughtfully until finally spoke:

- I will not be upset because you told the truth. I appreciate you saying that. What can not stand the other kids are making fun of me.

- It does not matter Rog. The other boys are jerks. Do not give importance to it.

I hugged him dearly and he reciprocated.

- You are right, my pretty. I will not care about that anymore. But there is another thing that is making me upset.

- What? - I asked looking at her beautiful blue eyes.

- You You travel in two weeks for Brazil.. How to stay here alone without my best friend?

- Rog, I have to spend the year-end festivities with my family in Brazil. Last year my parents could not go there and spent the year-end festivities in your home. But this year I have to visit my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

Roger hugged me stronger and said,

- Promise me you will come back? And will not be in Brazil?

I smiled at him and said,

- After the day January 6 will be back. I will never leave him.

Roger was well and went into the candy store with me. The other asked what he had. Roger said he was sad because he would spend the Christmas and New Year in Brazil. But then he spoke to me was fine.

Finally arrived December 21. Day of my trip to Brazil. My parents and I were in Truro road. We would catch a bus towards the London airport. Michael's father Roger gave us a ride toward the road. Roger was with us.

When we reached the road, Michael hugged us and wished happy holidays and said that on January 7 in seek the road. My parents started.

I passed the phone from my grandmother's house to Roger if he wanted to talk to me and said he also would call him.

We embrace us and some tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

- Rog, do not cry. I will be back soon.

- Do not forget me, Yasmine.

- Impossible Rog. - I smile. - I'll think of you every day. When you get to my grandmother's house and I'll call you on Christmas Eve as well.

I said goodbye and my parents and I entered the bus heading to London. Three and a half hours after we arrived at London airport and caught the plane toward São Paulo / Brazil.

When I arrived at my grandmother's house as promised called Rog and said the trip was uneventful and she was tired and that on Christmas Eve would call him.

On 24 December before midnight'll call him. Rog was very happy with my connection and also the beautiful Christmas present he had gained from his father, a bass drum and tom tom. My friend was more and more in love with percussion and drums. Something tells me that Roger will be a great drummer in the future.

Rog called me also in the days after Christmas. Quickly came to New Year's Eve and celebrated alongside my Brazilian family. On New Year's Eve Roger called me wishing a Happy 1962.

On January 6 we took the plane towards London. And we came to Truro on January 7 and as promised, Michael was in the road waiting for us with my friend Roger.

Roger see me hugged me strongly not willing to release me more. He said he was missing a lot and spend a lot of time with me in the coming days.

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