Chapter One - Friends?

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Cry stared at the blonde guy as sensei continued to discuss their lesson. Good thing for Cry, he was wearing a mask. ‘Uh… hey Cry?’ Pewdiepie said as he slowly move his chair closer to Cry, ‘Can you share books with me?’ he said. ‘Why? You didn’t bring your book?’ Cry asked. ‘No, I think. ‘Pewdiepie’s face was blushing pink of humiliation. ‘You lost your book? Ok then. Just don’t be too close or sensei will notice us.’ Cry blushed back. ‘Thanks. Will you help me find it later?’ the blonde boy said. ‘Uh, sure.’ Cry ended their conversation. Little did they know that someone was watching them.


As the bell rang and was heard through the entire school building, the students rejoiced. Recess was their favourite subject, I mean… time… Cry stared at Pewdiepie, observing his every move. Pewdiepie noticed and he finds it very awkward and stopped. ‘Thanks bro.’ Pewdiepie said as he checked his bag for his wallet, ‘I couldn’t have learned anything without you.’ he added. Cry replied back with a handsome smirk on his face, ‘Are you kidding? I haven’t learned anything.’ They laughed together. Cry was having a really fun time laughing because he knew that he said was true; He couldn’t concentrate on sensei’s lesson because he was actually staring at the other guy.

‘Hey Cry!’ a guy called from behind. It was one of Cry’s friends, a guy with hazel brown hair. ‘Oh hi.’ Cry said. ‘Oh, you’re that Pewdiepie. Nice to meet you.’ He said, winking at Cry. Pewds smiled and extended his hand to the other and said, ‘Me too bro. Uh, what was your name again?’ The guys grinned and said, ‘Call me Ken.’ Ken reached for Pewds hand for a decent handshake. Cry smiled, knowing that this new kid is already having friends. ‘Cry, can we talk?’ Cry heard a voice from behind him, it was Russ. ‘Sure.’ He followed Russ into some corner of the room.

‘Cry… You serious? You gonna make friends with that new guy?’ Russ looked disgust. ‘Why not?’ Cry stared at him, puzzled. Russ blushed and he looked away, ‘Nothing, its just. I’m worried about you. If he tried to hurt you tell me okay?’ Cry nodded. Russ smiled at him. ‘Cry, could you show our new companion around?’ Cry heard Sensei’s orders very clear. ‘Yes sensei.’ Pewdie walked towards the masked high school student saying ‘Bro, where shall we go?’ Cry couldn’t think but to show him through the whole building, and he did. They kept talking as if Pewds was a tourist and Cry was a tour guide, It was perfect.

‘Cry, would you like to go to the mall this Friday? ((Fridays with PEWDIEPIE))’ Pewdiepie said, looking towards the ground as he slowly utter those words. He was blushing. ‘Uhm… K?’ Cry said, with a slight blush on his face. Pewds showed his over-joyed smile, Cry did too but sadly, he was wearing a mask.

They got back to their classroom just in time for Mathematics Class. Seating on their chairs, getting their book and notebooks, Pewds looked around and whispered to Cry ‘Cry, can we share once more?’ Cry tilted his head, is this guy’s for real?  ‘Sure.’ Cry couldn’t resist the blonde guy’s face. He was just too handsome.  Once again, Pewdiepie and Cry, together shared Cry’s book. Cry wished that Mathematics would be a little longer than usual. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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