Chapter 14 - Amorai

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I dunno. I think I could believe it eventually. " He winked and reached behind me, pulling a lever and jostling the TARDIS as she took off. I grabbed onto the Doctor, who had nothing to grab onto, so we fell in a heap on the floor. I landed on top of him, and his hands were around my waist. 

"Hello." He said, giving me that look that made me melt a little.

"Hello." I grinned and he helped me up. 

"Ready?" He asked, offering his hand.

"Ready." I took it and we walked out the TARDIS doors.


I took a moment to absorb the surroundings. A beautiful lavender sky with violet clouds surrounded a valley of blue grass, whose hills overlooked a golden ocean. I could see huge birds flying around the cliffs, and the red sunset glinting off the horizon. 

It was truly one of the most beautiful places that I could ever even dream of. 

I sat down in the soft blue grass and looked over to the Doctor, who was by my side. His face was peaceful, his eyes closed, and his chin was faced into the wind.

"Doctor?" I asked softly.

"Hmm?" He didn't look at me, but his voice was soothing.

"It's beautiful."

"Do you like it? It's one of the only planets that makes me feel safe. Earth is the other. Gallifrey was one." He opened his eyes and brushed his fingertips to the top of my hand. 

"I saw it." I said, and his eyes widened.

"Saw what, Rose? What did you see?" 

"When I looked into that watch, I saw Gallifrey. It was kind of like you're watching a movie, except you're seeing it all from the camera's perspective. I think that I was watching from someone's eyes, because I saw his family and all, but it was weird. I saw this man, and he killed me. And-" My head began to burn a little, and I put a hand on my forehead. The Doctor put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it firmly.

"You saw it? Rose, you saw Gallifrey?" His face was alarmed and confused, as well as relieved and full of some other emotion that I couldn't read. I nodded.

"The grass was a reddish colour, and the wind was singing, and it was- beautiful." Tears had started to form in my eyes. "And then everything was burning, and I was in the city, and people were dying, and oh Doctor it was terrible. And I didn't do anythin'! I just sat there, and his family died, right in front of him, and-" My voice broke a little. "And I couldn't save them." 

"I know what you mean." He looked down at his shoes.

"What's wrong?" I asked and he stayed quiet for a moment.

"You lost your face. I thought-" He rubbed his hands down his face. "I thought you were gone."

"It's all right Doctor. I'm fine now." I touched his shoulder.

"Why do you do it?" He asked.

"Do what?"

"Stay. You could've and should've died so many times, but you still want to be with me." My eyes widened at his words.

"You always say that Doctor. Why do you want me to leave? Do you think that there's anywhere safer than with you? 'Cause if you do, you're pretty thick." 

"I dunno, maybe I would rather see you safe than see you die." He said. "I thought that you said I was brilliant, though." A wink. 

"Bloody right I was, too." 

"A really thick genius, were your words, I believe." He scooted closer, and rested his chin on my head.

"Stupidly brilliant." I placed my head in the crook of his neck. 


We sat on the hill for what felt like hours, gazing at the red sunset, which never seemed to go down. 

The water (or was it even water) was golden, often changing depth and shades of metallic gold. The blue grass was actually very soft, and seemed more like feathers than grass. I actually didn't know how much time had passed, so I asked the Doctor (who, 'knew the time all the time because of course he knew the time because he was a Lord of Time and thus knew every time all the time'). 

Quarter past nine at night on Earth. I sighed and we laid down on the grass like when we were on New Earth. I closed my eyes and listened to the wind, much like the singing winds of Gallifrey, and relaxed. The Doctor was next to me, the ground was soft, I was on a beautiful planet, and the wind was singing me to sleep.

And then I heard a noise.


Footsteps moving closer. Closer.

My eyes flew open.

I saw electric sapphire eyes staring into my hazel ones, and the creature was almost nose-to-nose with me.

"Doctor..." I said quietly. "What are they?" 

Hullo darlings that actually like reading and not doing other useless activities

I luv you so please vote and comment on what you think. I have finished some artwork of Rose's outfit for this chapter, so that might be up soon. 


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