1-Challenge Accepted

189 12 4

"Hey Astin?" A deep gruff voice says to me from behind.
I stop taking books out of my locker and turn around slowly. There standing in front of me is the one and only Brett Jameston.
"If you're here to torment me like your so called 'friends' do then save your breath because I dont care." I snap back at him.
He smirks at me and a whiff of confusion blows over me.
"What do you want?" I ask rather harshly.
"What I want is to help." He whispers back.
Brett Jameston the school hottie and jock that every girl swoons over (besides me) wants to help me.
"Look I don't agree with what my friends are doing to you." He says scratching the nape of his neck.
I push my big round spectacles up while I express my open mouth in shock. Why does he want to help me? Does he want something? What is he going to get out of it? Why does he even care?
"And how do you plan to help me?" I ask, rather interested now.
"I am going to make you my best friend and then give you a make over but..." I cut him off.
"I knew there was a catch to this. What's in it for you?" Now i was a bit upset.
"Look, my mother said that if I dont get my grades up then football was done with for me and I also kinda like your sister."
I couldn't believe him. He wanted to use me and he thinks I would just allow it. Anyway, he could get my sister by just calling her name. Now I was fully upset and turned around to take out my books while snapping at him.
"You freaking think that I will let you use me to help you get to my god damn sister. You honestly freaking think that I will allow you to copy my answers in exams. You must be freaking kidding!" I shout.
"Firstly feel free to use 'fucking' it sounds better. Secondly I will stop the bullying and give you a make over. I know it'll be a challenge to teach me from scratch but I will take it head on because I dont want your answers and I wanna know that the mark I get is my effort."
I think about it for a moment and hope that my answer will bring justice to my life.
"Okay well challenge accepted and remember I am only doing this because you will stop the bullying." I say bluntly and close my locker door.
"So tomorrow then?"
"Yes be at my place.." Before I could continue he cut me off.
"Yeah one more thing...we...ummmmm...moving next door to you."

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