I had only known her to have one tattoo but as she wore that dress, it revealed more, going down her back. I had trailed my fingers down the long vine like tattoo down her back which made her shiver under my touch, it continued from the tattoo on her arm that had jasmine flowers attached, and each flower had a word written in the petal. I have yet to read each one and the thought of wondering where it ends sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine and the wolf in me howl in anticipation

'It's to symbolise who I am' She told me

"Try to loosen up, everything will be fine... I had to tell Addison incase we had to postpone the wedding and she said she would do it for her godson any day" Marcus says as I nod my head

"I can't when I know I could lose her for good, yet I know she's up to something I just don't know what"

"You'll be right about your assumptions alpha but in her case I guess let it unfold" Addison says as she turns smiling at the camera

I see Jasmine wink and blow me a kiss before moving away. She moves over to the bar to get a drink when I feel a set of hands on my shoulders

"Now alpha" I shivered at the voice but not in the way she thought I shivered "I knew you couldn't resist me for long" If only I could get away. I turn around removing the hands that held me and looked up seeing Alana. Blonde hair girl, green eyes, she is gorgeous but she was never anything compared to Jasmine even before the mate bond. I guess the only reason why I was remotely attracted to her was well, I don't know. We were always drunk when we hooked up. I saw Marcus roll his eyes and Addison growl

"Alana, I can smell the alcohol on you and that's why you are here... I'm not drinking at all so you better walk away" I say when she moves closer. She was sloppy and I can't believe I hooked up with her. I must have been totally shit faced to have hooked up with her. She leans forward, an inch away from me, only a breath away from pressing her lips to mine

"Alana you should leave Aiden alone, he has mate now" I hear Marcus say

"Yeah. He. Does. Now move!" Jasmine says as I tilt my head to see her and I sigh in relief

"Jasmine" Alana breathes and I cough at the stench of alcohol breath

"Alana, step away from Aiden now, as Luna" I felt so much pride when she acknowledge that one word. I heard Addisons intake of breath as well and I saw a smile spread on Marcus's face

"You're no Luna, a Luna doesn't walk out on the pack for herself, a Luna doesn't deprive an alpha of his son, a Luna is marked and mated to her alpha... You. Are. No. Luna!" Alana was causing a scene as she finally stepped away from me. I wanted to see how Jasmine would handle this. The wolf in me wanted to let loose and I was fighting for control.

A few growls were heard around the room but as I look up everyone in the room did not look pleased. I was overjoyed to know that the whole pack were accepting of Jasmine, they always had been as we grew up. Even if she wasn't Luna, they knew she would make an amazing head pack warrior. If she wasn't my mate and I found mine, I don't know how I could live with fated to another woman yet loved the one that was to be my head pack warrior my whole life. I shook my head at the thought which sent a curious look directed toward me by my mate

"You are drunk Alana, too drunk and maybe you should drink some water and go home" Jasmine says stepping towards her. Alana doesn't move and remains in her spot

"No, you aren't marked by him. I can tell, so the alpha is up for grabs" I growled at this. I could feel Jasmines wolf fighting for control, she didn't like this she-wolf, my mate wanted her submission and was seeing this as a challenge

Once Heartbroken (Wolf Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now