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Abhimanyu and Rohan were beating up each other when they grew up and had moustaches and beards, then Shruthi and Jeet, when they were doing the triathlon, Jeet bumped Shruthi and she almost fell of the mountain. Jeet was happy because when Jeet was practicing Shruthi went in his way and he almost fell. Rohan's dad, he was a tycoon and he spoke to the whole highschool. Abhimanyu liked Rohan's dad, so when it was getting late, Rohan let Abhi stay at his house. He was late for breakfast down at the big garden. Then after that, Abhimanyu and Rohan went to highschool and student of the year opened up. The first challenge was a quiz, whoever studies the best. Every answer Jeet said, "Jai Mata Di," and said the answer.

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