Student of the Year Challenges

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Abhimanyu and Rohan weren't on the same team. Shanaya and Shruthi weren't on the same team. Jeet was always being stupid and he was a chumpette. Rohan got the first clue first and Abhimanyu's clue was in the swimming pool and Rohan's second one was in the church and Abhimanyu's second was under a bonsai and Rohan's last one was in the chemistry lab, and then Abhimanyu and Rohan had to find the right bell to ring, and Dimpy was the person who said 'Wrong bell'. The first bell was wrong, the second bell was wrong then third bell was the temple bell and it was right. Then they had to jump over bricks, and Rohan didn't fall, but Abhimanyu did fall and then Abhimanyu caught up to Rohan and got the bell first.

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