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Tales of Ba Sing Se; Xiao edition.

An odd feeling runs through my feet as I lay in bed. I'm not sure if Zuko is thinking on the idea of using me to get home or not. That crying fest happened days ago, so I'm over that and all the sad. Zuko isn't but I am. He is giving me the gift of the silent treatment. So I'm not in crippling regret and misery. At least not today. I will be tomorrow probably. Today, it would be a waste of time.

I look at the calendar.

I'm sixteen today. And otherwise, that would entitle cheer, excitement, fattening foods and brightly lit candles, but in another place with another girl. Right here, right now, while no tears flow, I'm going to fight to get out of bed.

I yawn, stretching for an extended time.  I can go through my morning exercise, forcing myself to do my dreadful meditation. Of course, I'm the last one awake. I get dressed, brush my hair, and fold my mat. While I'd like to eat, I can't be bothered to cook.

The tea shop will have something, so I tie my apron and head out.

"Um... so I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" a girl's voice says. I recognize her voice. I've served her many times. I believe her name is... Jin.

Of all my copious complaining, immediately all my discontent disappears. Finally, finally she's going to talk to her pretty boy. To Zuko. As I'm walking in, I literally trip over my own two feet.

"He'd love to!" Iroh replies.

Literally squealing.

"Great. Meet me at sundown." And Jin leaves.

"You got a girl!" I say with excitement as I stand up and fix the chairs I knocked over.


My feet trail him as he whisks through the store, pestering him while avoiding getting in the way of his work. "Dude, I'm excited. You're about to go on your first official date that isn't like a platonic homie date. It's like a possible-future-girlfriend date, you know? That is a major event. It deserves a celebration, even!" I squeal. He'll probably bite, so I dance around his bubble to avoid any retaliation.

"Oh, I must go prepare for another major event today! Our friendly boss is allowing me to use the oven today." Iroh hurries to the back with no further explanation.

I stand straight, folding my arms and mustering a serious smile and not my goofy grin. "Hey! It's due for dating advice from me now— your date will be perfect!"

His face turns red and he storms to the back grumbling, leaving me to serve our one customer. I sigh, my face dropping in defeat. I wipe a fake smile across and grab a pen.

The one customer, who I know as Ran, wishes me happy birthday as I approach him. "You know, it's our deceased princess's birthday today too. For the past seven years, every year we send lights into the sky to mourn her. Then there are fireworks too."

My chest tightens, just to hide the surprise that bubbles. That a King mourns a daughter he never met. "Oh, really?"

"Yeah. You know... you really look like her. The way she was... I'm sure you'd have gotten along."

"I've been told that. It would have been nice to meet her..." I say in my fake dreamy voice. He pays for his tea and leaves soon after.

Once I'm off, given half the day because of my birthday, I head out into the streets with nothing better to do. There's the market place, but I don't really need anything except maybe new shoes. I like them broken in, it's just mine are less fitted more... broken.

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