(5) Desperation

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If people don't make an effort to be in your life, don't try so hard to be in theirs; It's not worth it.


I looked down at my husband sleeping soundly in the bed we shared. Somehow, he found his way back in this room. I haven't been fully here since the night I tried to rekindle my relationship with my husband.


I heard the garage open and my anxiety kicked in, my palms became sweaty. I ran to the mirror in the living to make sure my dress looked okay. I prayed Chris liked this dress because the last time I tried to wow his with my attire it blew back up in my face. I just remember when I used to do surprise dinners from time to time and he used to love it, so I still hope he still does.

Chris walked in the door and paused when he saw me, I was hoping he his breath would hitch in a good way. Suddenly, he started to laugh in my face.

"What do you have on?" He said holding his stomach as he laughed at me. I swallowed before speaking again.

"It's a surprise date night. I wanted to do something we used to do." I said trying to sound confident.

"Well you surprised me all right, but not in a good way. Good thing you didn't go out in public with that dress otherwise people would've been scarred for life." He said chuckling. I brushed off his hurtful comment.

"I made your favorite for dinner." I said talking about the pork chops, greens, Jiffy corn bread, macaroni and cheese, and black eyes peas. I prayed that my voice didn't crack.

"Good finally you did something right for a change." Chris said taking off his jacket and handing it to me as well as he handed me my brief case. I went upstairs to put his things up the way he liked it.

When I came down Chris was sitting down, "Aimya go make my plate." He demanded me and I did it without saying anything. I went to go fix his plate and mines. When I came back with our plates my hands was shaking in fear that he would find something to blame me for. I sat our plates down and watched as Chris took his first bite.

'"What the hell is this!?" Chris barked making me jump.

"It food, it's your favorite-"

"I like the pork chops fried not baked." Chris said frowning,

"Since when do you like fried pork chops? You always said it was nas-"

"Since now! You can't even cook right! I don't even want to tried anything else because it will be just another disappointment just like you." He said swiping the plate off the table, sending it flying onto the ground. My heart shattered just like the plate did, it was plate that my great grandma gave to me before she died. It was one of the few things I had left of her. I only used the plates for special occasions.

"Chris! That was a plate my great grandmother gave me!" I said almost in tears.

"Okay, she's dead, if you would have prepared the food right then you wouldn't be about to cry right now. It's broke get over it. By the way you need to clean that shît up because I'm not." He said shrugging his shoulders. I silently cried as cleaned up his mess and listened as he continued to bad mouth me. I managed to get all the broken pieces up and I put them into a Baggie. I was going to try to put it back together. When I sat back down at the table I saw Chris had made a plate of nachos.

I didn't say anything, as I started to eat my cool food Chris was staring at me with an unknown expression on his face.

The dinner was tense and quiet. I felt Chris looking at me the whole dinner. He eventually made stop eating because he was looking at me that hard. After dinner, he left me to clean the dishes as he went in the living room to watch the game. After I watched the dishes I went in there with him to watch the game too. When I sat down he sighed he seemed annoyed, but didn't say anything. Chris was into the game, but the tv was watching me.

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