Chapter Nine

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RECAP OF LAST CHAPTER: Cas just looks at him, all wide eyed and happy and Dean feels the nerves melt away.
Reaching his hand out for his angel to take hold of, Dean asks, "Wanna take a walk with me?"
"Can I finish getting dressed first?" Cas asks with a laugh, gesturing to his bare chest and feet.
"Yeah, of course you can. But those slacks don't look too comfortable, how bout a pair of my jeans? They might be a little bit big on you though."
"I'd love that," Cas says, looking down at the ground, blushing.
"Perfect," Dean says, a brilliant grin lighting up his face. He goes to his bag and pulls out a well worn pair of jeans, a hole in one knee and faded enough to show that they're a favorite pair of Dean's.
"Here you go," he says as he tosses them to Cas. He catches them and shyly looks down, hesitant to change, the brilliant black wings above him mirroring his mood, shift so they slightly encased his body.
"Oh, uh, I'll go get your shirt for you," Dean says, stumbling a bit over the words, slightly nervous and very distracted by the beautiful wings now wrapped around Cas's body. Walking to the bathroom, he grabs Cas's white dress shirt out of the pile of clothes on the floor. Walking back to the main room, he sees Cas has changed into his jeans. Seeing Cas in his clothes makes his heart flutter a bit, bringing a goofy smile to his face.
"Here's your shirt," Dean says, walking up behind Cas and holding the shirt up so he could slip his arms into it. Turning around, Cas starts buttoning it, but Deans hand push his away and he buttons it up for him, leaving the top three undone, and the shirt untucked. His angel looked damn good.
"C'mon, you can wear my jacket," Dean says, grabbing his leather jacket and holding up for him.
"But won't you get cold? I don't want you getting sick," Cas says, obviously worried about him.
"Guess you'll just have to keep me warm then, huh?" Dean says, grabbing a flannel from the floor and tugging it on over his t-shirt. Walking to the door, Dean holds out his hand again and this time Cas takes it, a smile creeping into his face.
"Let's go," Dean says, tugging Cas out of the motel room and into the cold late morning. It was cold enough where they could see their breath every time they exhaled.
"Where are we going?" Cas asks, look up at Dean.
"I was thinking breakfast, maybe? Saw this cute little diner on our way in here and thought maybe you'd like it. Sound good?"
"Yes, that sounds good." Cas says, swinging their intertwined hands a bit like he'd seen in a movie once. It was quiet for a bit after that, but not uncomfortable. They were just enjoying each other's company.
The diner slowly came into view, a stout building made to look like a log cabin, with a few steps leading up to a large front porch with several rocking chairs scattered around it. It looked like something Cas would like, which is why it stuck out so much to Dean when they'd passed it. Coming to the stairs, Cas nervously looked down at his and Dean's intertwined fingers, which Dean noticed. He gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and pulled him into the building.
"Hi there, welcome to Ellen's. I'm Jo and I'll be your server today. How many do you have?"
"Just us two," Dean says, giving Cas's hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Alright," the waitress, Jo, says with a smile, "Follow me!"
The two follow her to a small booth, scooting in on either side so they can talk.
"Can I start you two off with something to drink?"
"Uh, yeah, I'll have a black coffee. And he'll have... uhm..." Dean scans the menu quickly,
"Can he get a pot of hot water and some sunflower tea?"
"I'll be right out with that," Jo says, writing down their order and leaving with a smile. A few moments of silence pass, Cas, so caught up in sliding around a few grains of salt, didn't notice Dean watching him, smiling slightly.
"What?" Cas asks, feeling a flush climbing his cheeks.
"Last night."
"Oh, uhm, yeah," Cas stammers, "I, uhm, I don't know what came over me, I just uhm, I don't know, it was all that whiskey and you and my wings.."
The grin slowly slid off Dean's face, realizing Cas was making it sound he regretted what had happened.
"You... you didn't do it because you like me?" Unable to keep the hurt from his voice. He had just messed everything up again, hadn't he?
"No no!"
Dean's eyes widened and Cas panicked,
"No! That's not what I meant! I mean yes, it's because I like you!"
"Oh," Dean breathes a sigh of relief. He has truly feared that Cas thought they were a mistake. He couldn't bear the thought of it.
"Here's your coffee and tea!" The waitress said, reappearing and balancing a tray on one hand. She placed the mug of coffee in front of dean and a small pot of hot water and a mug with a teabag in it in front of Cas.

****blah blah eat breakfast ****

"I'm gonna run to the bathroom before we leave, kay?" Dean says, sliding out of the booth.
"Fine with me. I'll be waiting here," Cas says with a smile. As Dean walks to the bathroom, Cas's mind begins to wander to the night before. A little shudder runs down his spine as he remembers Deans hands combing through the feathers of his wings and hair. The feel of Deans hands on his body makes his breath hitch. Opening his eyes, he realizes that he had his head in his hands and was breathing hard. And was now quite turned on.
"If this is what it means to be human, then I've been an angel for far too long " Cas murmurs to himself sliding out of his seat and strolling quickly to the bathroom. As he pushes the door open, Dean is just throwing away a paper towel from drying his hands.
"Cas? I was just coming bac-"
He was cut off by the needy press of Cas's lips to his. As he was kissing Dean, he was gently pushing him towards the large stall. Getting inside, he turned quickly to slide the lock into place before facing Dean again.
"Uhm, Cas?"
"Hush," Cas says, approaching Dean, pushing him to the wall and taking his lips again. He slides his hands from Deans hips up his body to rest on the back of his head and cupping his face. He angles Deans head to deepen the kiss, his tongue brushing the other mans lips, requesting access. Not surprisingly, Dean parts his lips, his tongue sliding along with Cas's.
"Holy shit, Cas," Dean hisses between kisses, his breath coming out in pants now.
Cas breaks the kiss, an evil glint in his eyes. He brings his hands to the front of Deans shirt and undoes the top few buttons and brings his lips to the more exposed skin of Deans neck. Starting just below his collarbone, Cas bites and sucks at the skin there until a mark appears. He kisses a trai up Deans neck, until he comes to a sensitive spot behind Deans ear, and plants wet, hot kisses there that have Dean squirming. Slowly, he takes the hand that was combing through Deans hair and slides it to the waistband of Deans jeans, hanging low on his hips. He pushes his shirt out of his way and ghosts his fingers along the dip between Deans hips, making Deans hips buck toward Cas, a moan slipping from between his lips.
"Fuck, Cas, my god," Dean gasps out, his hands going around to clutch at the feathers of Cas's wings.
Cas brings both hands down and starts to unbutton Deans jeans, licking from his collarbone to the base of his jaw. As he starts to sink to his knees, the bathroom door bangs open,
"Ya know, as hot as sex in public is, y'all can't do that here. I'm gonna have to ask you to get a room, boys," a voice says, which Cas vaguely recognizes as their waitress.
"Be out in a minute," Dean chokes out.
"I'm sorry, I have no idea what came over me-" Cas started to apologize, but Dean cuts him off, "Oh you are so in for it once we get back to the hotel," he says with devilish grin and gives Cas small peck on the lips.
"Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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