Chapter Eight

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A sudden knock at the door startles them both, causing them to jump apart.
"Fuck!" Dean exclaims, rolling off of a startled Cas's lap.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Dean murmurs to himself, scrambling around, gathering his clothes from the night before and Cas's, tossing them into the bathroom.
"In the bathroom, Cas!" Dean whisper yells to him as he yanks a white t-shirt on.
"Okay?" Cas says, as he grabs a blanket and tugs it around his shoulders and shuffles to the bathroom.
"One minute!!" Dean yells to Sam, who he can he laughing outside of the door.
"Dean, who are you shoving out the window now? Go to bed with a 10 and wake up with a 2?" Sam asked, a  chuckle evident in his voice.
"Uh no, actually last night was a bit more rough than I remember..." Dean lied, finishing the half hazard cleaning, walking to the door and swinging it open.
"Damn, Dean, good night take it?" Sam asks, stepping into the room, taking the appearance of his brother.
His eyes were bright, more so than he'd ever seen. His hair was a tousled mess, his checks flushed. He looked happy. And it was one of the best things Sam had ever seen.
"Hah, yeah Sammy, it was a pretty good night," Dean says, stretching his arms over his head with a grin,
"Pretty damn good."
"So where's this girl who has you positively glowing?"
"Uh, she left earlier, I was just cleaning the room up."
Sam glanced around the room, seeing the empty bottle of whiskey, the one bed that was tore to bits, blankets, pillows and sheets everywhere. But his gaze was mainly drawn to the second bed, still perfectly made, not even an indent on it.

"Wait, where's Cas? Where was he last night?" Sam asked, still looking around for him, his eyes stopping on the closed bathroom door, the sound of the shower running now obvious in the quiet morning.

"Oh, ah, he got his own room last night but he got lonely over there this morning so he came here." Dean lies, hoping Sam can't see through the obvious fib.
"Awh, I feel bad, maybe I'll bring him out to a bar with me next time. I don't want him to get lonely."
"No, no, I think he was fine." Dean says with a slight smile to himself.
"Alright man, if you insist. Any who, I was stopping in to grab some cash, I was gonna go out to the store and get some food for the bunker. You need anything?"
"What is this, a trick question? Pie, Sammy. I need pie."
"I said need, not want, Dean," Sam says with a laugh, strolling out the door. "Be back in an hour or two, be packed and ready to get on the road then."
"Kay Sammy. Don't forget the pie!" Dean calls through the closed door.
Looking around the room, he compliments himself on his clean up job.
"I did pretty damn good, no evidence left," Dean thinks to himself, strolling to the closed bathroom door.
"Cas? You good in there? Need any help?" Dean asks with a chuckle.
Suddenly the door swings open and there's Cas, all damp hair and half dressed, looking like a model instead of someone just getting out of the shower.
"Yes, actually. I can't find my tie," he says, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Oh. Uhm I think it was in the clothes I tossed into the bathroom?"
"It wasn't. I checked twice."
After a moment of silence they both looked to bed behind them, both spotting the bright blue tie, still firmly tied in place on the headboard of the bed.
"Well then. Let's hope Sammy wasn't as observant as he usually is." Dean says, feeling the nervousness building inside him.
Cas just looks at him, all wide eyed and happy and Dean feels the nerves melt away.
Reaching his hand out for his angel to take hold of, Dean asks, "Wanna take a walk with me?"

Authors Note:
Hey guys!!! Sorry it's been so long since I updated, schools been absolutely crazy. Anywho, lemme know what you think!!! Comment and vote if you want! Also, sorry there wasn't much excitement in this chapter, next update I've got something good planned ;)

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