Chapter twenty-six: The Date Part One

Start from the beginning

"It had piano. I really like pianos. I used to play."

I blinked, hinting confusion, and Louis slowed down at a red light. He turned to me and smiled, that rare eye-crinkling smile of his appearing.

"But that song is perfect," he whispered. "It makes so much sense."

I laughed a little and nodded, pointing ahead as the light switched green again. "It does. Since you can play piano, I'll have you play some sort of song at my wedding."

Louis started driving again, and I watched the red in his cheeks creep up to his ears. "Hopefully I won't have time to play it. Hopefully I'll be shoving cake into your face instead."

It took me way too long to figure out what he'd meant.


When we got to the Tomlinson flat things went almost exactly how they had the last weekend, minus the passing out and breaking down in tears. Louis hugged all of his sisters, picking them up off the ground. He hugged his mum, too, though it looked a bit hesitant.

We spent the day together at the house, each of us taking turns on the Play Station that the girls had. We played seven extremely competitive games of FIFA before six o'clock, and then Louis put his remote down after pausing the game.

I'd been sitting on the couch, my legs crossed and my elbows on my thighs, and I sat up straight when he stood up from his position on the floor and faced me.

"Get ready," he ordered, smiling gently. I tilted my head to the side, sort of but not completely understanding.

"Oh, you mean...the date?" I asked. I'd been looking forward to it for a week, but, "Now?"

Louis nodded, rolling his eyes slightly. "Yes, Haz – in an hour. Get ready, yeah?"

I nodded and scrambled up, ignoring the silly coos coming from the girls. "You and Lou have a date," Fizz drawled, and I blushed. Louis took my wrist and began pulling me out of the living room and upstairs, where he then proceeded to push me into the guest room.

"Meet me at the car in an hour, alright?" Louis inquired, but he didn't let me answer. He pecked my cheek and closed the door, leaving me to search for an outfit.

I'd packed something special for the dinner, but as I pulled it out, I regretted ever putting it in my suitcase. I had a pair of my regular dark, tight jeans, and I had a plain white t-shirt and a brown blazer. I thought it looked too plain, but I figured I'd just go with it. But I really, really wanted to look good for Louis.

I tampered with my hair for another twenty minutes after spending my first twenty making sure there wasn't a single wrinkle in my clothes. I ran my hands through my messy curls endless times, wanting my hair to look like I'd at least tried to make it neat.

For a good ten minutes I stood in front of the mirror and stared straight ahead, looking into my own eyes. I'm not nervous, I told myself, and then I thought about when I'd told Louis I loved him that night. I was so nervous then, and I was hot and tired and I felt as if nothing could be better and I meant it with everything I had; I loved Louis and I wasn't ever going to stop.

"Come on out, you twig!"

I identified Lottie's voice from outside the bedroom and I took a deep breath, slipping on my shoes before opening the door. "Hey, Lot."

"Hello!" She chirped, taking me by the wrist and leading me downstairs. "Louis is waiting outside – he's been messing with the heater in the car for fifteen minutes so it wouldn't be too hot or too cold."

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