Chapter ten: Seeing Other People

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   “Harry? Will you answer me?”

I squeezed my eyes tighter and curled up into a tinier ball, trying, and failing, to tune out Mum. She’d been trying to get me out of my room for the past fifteen minutes, in the event that supper was ready, but there wasn’t any way that I was going to come out.

I wouldn’t be able to look them in the face without telling them that I’d just kissed a guy.

My lips tingled in a way that was so unfamiliar to me. It’s not like I hadn’t been kissed before – I had, when I was in year two – but that had been so different this one. In year two, the kiss was just a small peck-the-mouth-and-run-off sort of kiss. I hadn’t been able to stop this time. Not until Louis had quietly piped in and reminded me of what we were doing.

Part of me was annoyed. Why did Louis start the kiss, anyway? Why did he have to ever-so-lightly brush his soft lips against mine? Was he trying to tease me? It was his fault that I was even more uncertain of my sexuality than I was in the first place!

The other part of me wanted to go back to him. I pushed that to the very back of my mind, though. What would he think of me now? He was straight and I was confused. We’d made out. What was I supposed to tell him when he asked? I really liked kissing you, but I don’t even know if I’m gay. Sorry.

“Harry, dear? What’s wrong? You were only at Louis’ for half an hour; I expected you to be there until a later time…did something come up?” Mum knocked on the door a few times, huffing impatiently.

I didn’t answer. I realized that Gemma was probably going to pick the lock sooner or later, but I didn’t care. I was dreading school tomorrow. I was going to have to avoid Lou, do as much as I could to get my mind off him.

“You’re worrying me, Harry. Please come out. Your food is getting cold, too.”

“I’m not hungry,” I mumbled, getting up from my balled-up position. “I’ll just warm it up if I eat, Mum.”

“Are you ill?”

I sighed, eyeing my cellphone as an idea popped into my head. “No. I’m alright.”

Mum reluctantly left, and I leaped towards my iPhone. I swiped in my passcode – 2412; Louis’ birthday – and the first thing that popped up was my Google search: Charlotte Tomlinson.

I reluctantly closed out of it. I’d spent a while looking for Louis’ family. I wanted to meet them. The pictures I’d seen in his bedroom were so out of date; his sisters weren’t babies anymore. I don’t know…I wanted for them to see Louis again. I didn’t understand why they would leave such an amazing boy behind in the first place. He was perfect.

See, Haz, I think you’re leaning to the curvy side. A guy, perfect?

“Shut up; yes,” I murmured to myself, opening my contacts. “I do think he’s perfect; that’s why I need to settle this…”

I clicked ‘call’ for the contact I wanted, holding it up to my ear and tapping my fingers nervously on the edge of my bed. She was new; she was in Louis’ year, my Spanish class. She was pretty enough, with long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a full-blown American, which seemed to be the reason why a lot of the guys knew her. I guess they liked it. She was really sweet, but seemed sort of…clingy. But my friends said that she liked me…

“Hey! You’ve reached my number, Taylor Swift. Sorry I couldn’t pick up the phone, but leave your name and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

The monotone voice soon replaced Taylor’s perky, excited one.

“Please leave a message after the tone. When you’re finished with your message, please hang up, or press one for more options.”

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