Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Blake's P.O.V

Julie was currently passed out on the hospital bed and after 5 minutes I had already told the doctors that she was awake. She must have been so stressed from finding out the news that Derek's body was not found in the house which meant he's still out there and won't give up until Julie's really hurt or even worse dead! For the past couple of months while Julie was in the coma I had the gang patrol the area for any signs of Derek but it looks as if he disappeared from the face of the earth. I was starting to get worried when Julie didn't wake up after 3 hours and decided to wake her up. I walked up to her hospital bed and started shaking her.

" No," she wimpered with tears running down her face. I started shaking her harder yelling at her to wake up.

" Blake!" she yelled. She screamed the loudest I had ever heard her scream which caused nurses to come in the hospital room. They held me back from going near her and I started to try and move so I can get to her.

" Blake! Blake!" she screamed.

" Sedate her!" they yelled. I watched as they poked the needle in her arm. I managed to pull their arms off me and run towards her. I held her hands and she looked towards me with droopy eyes. 

" Your alive. I'm so sorry," she whispered before passing out again. She's been doing that a lot lately, I couldn't help but think. I sighed and put my head in my hands. It's all my fault. If I hadn't become so attached to Julie again then Derek wouldn't have targeted her. Derek was suppose to be after me but now he's after the both of us. Derek knows that the only way to break me is by killing my Julie. No I wouldn't let that happen I'd die before letting that happen. If I had to I would. What scared me the most was how selfish I was being.

All I wanted was Julie and now that I finally had her I would never let her go unless she wanted me to. I couldn't let her go like last time it'll make me loose her for good. I didn't want that. This time I would keep my promise and never let her go. Nothing would make me leave her.

The past couple of days were hard. While she was past out people had started to find out the truth about me. All around town people avoided me after find out the truth about me being the gang leader. My parent have been avoiding me and now the only family I have is Julie and my gang. Well everyone in my gang except for Seth. I've been skipping school these past couple of days to look after Julie in the hospital. Of course the teachers didn't care since they were scared that I would send the gang after them. Of course there was one other person who treated me the same. Julie's mother.

I always felt like she was a second mother to me and the fact that she doesn't treat me any diffrently now that she knows the truth shows how much she really cared about me. My parents can't even stare at me without looking scared. Ever since they found out they've been making excuses about having to go on a business trip to avoid me.

I stared at Julie's peaceful face and sighed knowing how hard it was for her to find out that Derek was still alive and can do anything he wanted to us. Man he's been hiding really well. Can't believe that my gang can't even find him and it's only him, I think , I thought. I knew one thing he had to have had help. There's no way he could have gotten away unharmed and find out where we are. After Josie's death my emotions shut down. The only person that was there for me was Julie and after a couple of weeks I had completely screwed up our friendship.

I knew I had to talk to Julie about what happened and I guess I got that wish because as soon as I thought that she had groaned and opened her eyes. She stared at me and smiled lazily.

" Hey," she whispered.

" Hey," I said smiling at her with loving eyes. I sighed sadly and put my head in my hands. I groaned and finally looked at her face. She looked at me with concern that I knew I didn't deserve because of the question I was about to ask her.

" What's wrong," I heard her say.

" Julie can y-you remember anything from that night Derek shot you," I said stuttering a bit. She closed her eyes and started to whimper after I asked that question. I grabbed both her hands and kissed them making her open her eyes and stare at me.

" You don't have to answer that question," I said sadly. She shook her head and sighed.

" No, no I remember something," she whispered with tears in her eyes.

" What is it," I asked her quietly. She stared at me sadly and looked away from me. I grabbed her chin gently and turned it towards me kissing her on the lips as hard as I could showing her how much I missed her. She pulled away breathlessly and sighed again.

" J-Just promise me something when I tell you this don't go after them yet okay," she said sadly. I stared at her confused. What did she mean by them?

" Wait what do you mean by them," I asked confused.

" Remember the story that you told me from before," she said biting her nails which is what she always did when she was nervous or concerned.

" Ya," I said hesitantly.

" W-Well you k-know the gun that Derek had that night he shot me. There was something engraved on it," she said with tears in her eyes. My eyes widened and I shot up from my seat and stepped back.

" No," I whispered shaking my head. There's no way that-

" Engraved on it was a Tiger," was the last thing I heard before I ran out of the hospital and towards my gang. I knew one thing. The Tiger Gang was going to pay and one way or another they would never see the light of day when they came up against me and my gang. I could faintly hear Julie calling after me but all I could think about was how much I'm going to hurt them.

Tiger Gang better watch out because no one hurts the people that I love without getting away with it!

Julie's P.O.V

"I shouldn't have told him," I whispered to myself before wiping the tears off my face and falling asleep. There was only one thing on my mind.

Blake better not do something stupid. Knowing him something stupid was bound to happen



So there ya go PEOPLE! You all know Blake's gonna do something really stupid BUT you have to wait and find out what he does OoOh can't wait to find Out!






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