Chapter 4

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Hey guys its me cuty13 i just wanted to let you know that sometimes i might be busy and may not have time to upload but I'll try to get a chapter in once and a while :)

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Chapter 4

Blake's P.O.V

Blake knew that he had made a huge mistake in the past. He regretted waking up everyday knowing that he'd ruined the best relationship he ever had. He just had to figure out how he would be able to fix their relationship.

Blake snuck glances at Julie and could tell she was thinking hard about something but hoped that she could put everything that happened before behind them. He couldn't believe how idiotic he'd been when it came to finding out sooner or later that Julie was right about Jennifer. Jennifer had cheated on him with his best guy friend who he'd thought was trustworthy. He never forgot about the day he figured out the truth about Jennifer and went to confront Julie.


" Blake. What's wrong," she said looking sad. At that moment something cracked and he couldn't hold in his anger.

" J-Jeniffer c-cheated o-on m-my with m-my f-friend,"  he chocked out.

" I told you," she said. 

" What?" he said looking up from the ground to her face which was filled with anger and her fists clenched in order to keep her from harming him.

" I said I told you! I told you over and over again and you did not listen to me! She was just using you and she even admitted it to me! She told me to stay away from you and now I know why! Your a heartless jerk and I never want to see you again!" she yelled slamming the door in his face.

Ever since that day he made a vow to hate Julie but he knew that she needed time to calm down. He was no longer that fun loving little kid. He was Blake the player. Every night since that day he would lay awake in bed regretting each day of tormenting Julie not being able to hold her anymore. It was so bad that he would wake up in the morning sick to his stomach.


Julie's P.O.V

"Blake," she said while waving her hand in front of his face.

"Yeah. What?" he said coming back to the real world.

"Um why did we stop in front of the forest?" she asked.

"The place I want to show you is in the woods come on," he said grabbing her hand. Without protest Julie walked into the woods for about half an hour until they reached their destination. When Julie caught sight of the clearing she couldn't hold in how shocked she felt.

"Wow," she whispered.

Blake smile and said, "I know."

The clearing had lush soft green grass and a waterfall that seemed to glitter. She couldn't believe how beautiful it was. Julie didn't know how to show how happy she was and decided to run to Blake to kiss his cheek lightly. She noticed his flushed face and began to blush a little from the embarrassment she just caused herself. It was so awkward that they both couldn't find the right words at the moment. A couple of awkward moments later and they broke the silence.

 "Um we should probably go." she grabbed his hand hauling him to the car. Blake began driving Julie back home and felt disappointment well up in his gut when they reached her house.

"Julie you don't understand how sorry I am about what I did to you," he said sadly.

"No, I don't but I know getting my heart ripped out by the only person I could ever care for, scarred me. Ever since that day I would take out my anger on kick boxing or karate. You don't know how many times I wanted things to go back to the good old days," she said looking out the car window.

"I know that confessing to you was my fault but all those torments broke me," she turned to look at him while he starred at her in sadness, "I was in love with you." After she said those words she walked out of the car and into her house.

While getting into her bed, she heard her phone vibrate on her bed side cabinet and opened her phone to see a text message from Blake.

'What if I'm still in love with you?'

She closed her eyes, and instead of texting back, fell asleep.


Thanks for reading guys!

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xoxo cuty13 xoxo 

Nerd Girl(Editing!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें