Chapter 11

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When you finally came to, you saw white all around you. It was all blurry, though.

"W-Where...?" You questioned groggily to no one in particular. "W-White...?"

You had no idea where you were or what was going on. You could not even see clearly. Your words were slurred and barely made any sense. It smelled like... bleach. It was so clean that it made your head spin even more than it already was, if that was even possible.

"I am sorry, but she may not have guests at this time." You heard a female voice say. The voice sounded so far away. Almost like it was going through a tunnel or something.

"Why can I not see her?" You heard a calm male voice, "She belongs to me. She... is my everything."

You feel like you have heard that voice from somewhere before. It felt like your heart was being twisted in a knot. Why do I feel like this all of a sudden? You thought to yourself. You were overcome by a feeling of needing to go to that voice. "I... Must. T-The voice..." You rolled off of the bed and hit the ground with a thud.

The female voice spoke with sympathy, "I am sorry, but- Wait. What was that!?"

You pulled yourself up, feeling dizzy. This might not have been the best idea ever... I cannot even stand without falling over. How can I go see the owner of the voice like this? Everything is still blurry and stuff... Your body pushed onward and fought the pain that it felt all over. You were using the things around you to put your weight on and hold yourself up.

"(f/n)!?" The male voice shouted full of emotion. "(f/n), are you okay!?"

"You really cannot be in here right now." The female seemed to be fighting with the male to keep him away. "Please leave and come back next week."

"I have already waited two weeks to see (f/n)! I will not wait any longer now that I know she is awake!"

You did not want the female to push the male away. "No... Let him... Stay..." You made your way around the corner. Your eyes were still unfocused, but you saw all that you needed to see. That beautiful shade of red that you needed right now. "Sei..." You had no idea what you were trying to say. Your body was moving and speaking all on its own.

"(F/N)!" He yelled. He pushed past the female, knocking her over and rushed over to you. The guy with red hair held you close to him, "(f/n), oh (f/n). I was so worried and scared that I might lose you..." He kept repeating that name over and over again. It must be mine.

"Seijuro..." Your dry lips were parted to say what you thought was the most beautiful name on the planet. Is that his name? It must be! I know this red guy's name. Who is he? Who am I? I am this (f/n) person. Maybe he knows why I am here. "Seijuro..."

"Yes, (f/n). I am here. I am here for you." He held you tighter making a shock-wave of pain go through your body. It was okay though. It made you feel more relaxed. Seijuro made you feel complete.

"W-Why... am I... here?" You croaked out your question.

"I need security in room number 406! Security to room number 406!" The female's voice rang out.

Seijuro looked up and a tear streamed down his face. "You were shot. I could not protect you. I thought you had gone to a friend's house, but you went to HIS instead. Why did you do that? I warned you about him. You called me, but when I got there, he was gone. You were on the ground. There was... so much blood. You were... shot... in... the head." His voice was shaking. He sobbed louder. "I am so sorry that I was not there for you! I should have gone with you!"

He was going through all of this pain and blaming himself for your mistake. I should have listened to him. Why did I not listen to him. It seem like he only wants the best for me. I also love him dearly... Wait. Love? You just met this guy! "Seijuro... I do not... remember... the incident... or you..."

His eyes widened and he looked down at you. "W-What? T-That is impossible! You have been saying my name. You know that it is me!"

"I... do not know... how I know... your name... I just... know it." I was really hard to speak. You did not have enough air in your lungs. It was taking too much energy to speak. "I also... know that... I love you..."

Seijuro's face twisted with pain, "I... I promise that I will get revenge on him for doing this to you... to us... This should have never happened." There were more tears forming in his eyes.

The female's voice was loud and clear, "He is here in the room! Take him out of here immediately!"

The red-head held you tightly as if it was the last time that he would ever hold you. Just then, he was ripped away from you. He was screaming and reaching out for you. You reached your hand out to him in return. Your hand were so close to touching. Unfortunately, not close enough.

"N-No...!" You whispered.

"(F/N)!!!!!!" He screamed for you. "LET ME GO!!!!"

You tried to get up from off of the floor and failed. Crawling forward desperately as the big men in black dragged away the person that your heart was yearning for you said a bit louder, "Let... him go...!"

"(L/n)-san," The female rushed over to you, "please return to your bed. They are going to take him away. Do not worry. Everything will be alright." She helped you up just as they dragged him, kicking and screaming, out of the door and around the corner, out of sight. "How unsightly of an Akashi."

"Do not..." You breathed out.

"Hmm? What was that?"

You felt a rush if energy, "DO NOT TALK BADLY ABOUT SEIJURO!!!!!!" You rushed forward, knocking her down in the process. You turned the corner and saw that they were still dragging him away. "SEIJURO!!!!!" You started to run after them with your hand outstretched. He managed to grab your hand and your legs finally gave out. "Let him go!"

"She is a patient!" The female that you could now see was a nurse yelled, "Bring her back here!"

One of the security guards forcibly jerked your arm away, breaking your grip on Seijuro. "Ah!" You cried out in agony. The security guard picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. "Seijuro!!!" You could finally see clearly and his heterochromic eyes shined brightly. Your heart was being torn apart. Why will they not let us be together? What is so wrong with us being together? "Put me down!" You desperately fought with the guy, but to no avail, "Promise me! Promise me that you will get me out of here! I love you, my red emperor Akashi Seijuro!" The nurse injected you with something and your vision started getting all blurry again. Your body started getting weaker.

"I PROMISE!!!!" You heard your love yell back at you.  He was still struggling with the security guards when you slowly lost consciousness.

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