Chapter 3

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You awaken in the red room you are all too familiar with. Beside you, there is a shirtless red haired boy sound asleep. You checked the time and it was 8:13.

"Oi! Seijuro!" You shook the sleeping figure next to you. "Wake up!"

"(f/n)..." The red head mumbled in his sleep.

"Seijuro! If we do not hurry, we will be late for school!"

Akashi turned towards you and you saw his cute sleeping face. His hair was all over the place. You compared it to the usual image of the red emporer and giggled a little. You shook your head. Now is not the time for this! I have to wake him up so I can get some clothes or something!

"Seijuro!" you tried again, "Please get up! You need to find me a uniform of some sort to wear for school today!"

"mmm..." Seijuro mumbled, "Do not... want... go..."

You sighed, "Well then, looks like I am not joining the basketball team after all." You layed back down beside him.

His eyes popped open, "basketball team (f/n)!" This startled you as he quickly rose and ran about the room. When he finally found a girls' uniform for you to wear, he threw it at you. "No time shower. Dress quick."

This is one of the reasons why I love Seijuro so much. You thought, he is so cute and funny when he first wakes up in the morning. Then, he tripped and fell. That sure woke him up for real this time.

"What are you laughing at?" Akashi asked you, back to his normal self.

You stiffled your giggles, "Nothing." Akashi's eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. He moved out of the room so you could get dressed. My boyfriend is such a gentleman. Wait. That is not right. We are engaged now so he is my fiance.

After you got dressed, you hurriedly brushed your teeth in the bathroom and dashed out of the front door to where the limo was waiting.

"I am so glad that you keep uniforms here for me." You said happily to Akashi as you climbed into the limo and sat next to him.


When you both arrived at school, you had to rush through the front gates.

"8:29." Akashi remarked, "Barely made it here on time. Let us hurry to class."

"Okay, Seijuro." You said as you both ran to your classes.

Sitting down, your phone vibrated. It was a text message from Gabriel.

Gabriel: What school do you go to?

You: Rakuzan High School. Why?

Gabriel: I will stop by and watch you practice Basketball.

You: I do not think that is a good idea.

Gabriel: Why?

You: My boyfriend would not be very happy.

You were going to type 'My boyfriend would kill you', but you decided that it was a terrible idea.

Gabriel: I think that I will be okay.

You: Whatever you say...

When you put away your phone, your best friend, Yoshida Aiko, squealed. "Who is this person named Gabriel? That is a foreign name is it not? Omg! You are cheating on Akashi-kun with a foreigner, are you not!?"

You quickly covered her mouth with your hands. Jeez, she could be so loud! "SHHHHH!"

When you uncovered her mouth, she bombarded you with question after question, "What does he look like? How did you meet? What is he like? Where is he from? How old is he? Is he cute? Is he in college?"

You sighed, "This is how rumors start. You could actually ruin my life."

"Hamasaki-san said that she saw you with an unknown hottie yesterday." Aiko informed you. "She gave a pretty good description and she asked me to ask you for the details on that one."

You rested your head on your desk. "How is she always there? She always sees everything and it is so impossible!" You raised your head suddenly, "How many people know about this?"

She thought about it for a little bit, "I overheard Hamasaki-san telling her gossip girls, so probably the whole school by now."

You put you head back on your desk, "My life is over!"

"Hey!" Aiko exclaimed, "What is that ring on your finger!?"

You glanced at the ring that Akashi gave you, "Oh this? This is what Seijuro gave me as a promise that we will get married after high school."

Aiko screamed ot loud in delight, much to your displeasure. The whole class looked at you two. This seemed like it was a daily occurence.

The teacher sighed, "What is it this time Yoshida-chan?"

The girl jumped up and happily spilled your business to the class, "Akashi Seijuro just asked (l/n) (f/n) to marry him after high school! He also gave her the ring as a promise! Look at her ring finger!"

One of the gossip girls in the class got up and took a picture of it and sent the message to Hamasaki-san right away. The other people in class followed suit, even the teacher.


"I heard that you have been showing off your ring." Akashi smirked at lunch.

"It was not me." You told him, "Aiko went and blabbed about it and suddenly everyone wanted pictures of it even Fujioka-sensei. Class was basically cancelled today."

"Do not forget to keep up your grades." The red head reminded you.

"Hey, I am second in the school, thanks to you beating me by ONE point. I do not want to hear it!" You shot back at him.

His smile disappeared, "Who is this Gabriel person?" He hissed in your ear.

You froze. He knows.

Taming the Beast 2 (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now