Chapter 7

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If you have noticed, the picture is not of an anime character or a Japanese person, but a South Korean guy. He is Park Chanyeol from the South Korean-Chinese boy group EXO. Bear with me please. It is relevant to the story as you will read on. Just kinda wanted to show you what your favorite from this group looks like. Cute, huh? By the way if the picture does not show up, I pity you.  I have also decided to start drawing some of the characters, so from now on each chapter will have a picture of a character from the story. That would be all. Thank you so much for supporting me thus far. I am especially happy everytime I read the comments. Enjoy the chapter.

The beautiful box contained posters, cds, shirts, rings and other cool stuff of your favorite Kpop boy group, EXO (Sorry if you do not know who they are, or they are not your favorite. Just pretend, okay). You could not contain your joy. You picked up a ring that had "CHANYEOL" written on it and put it on right away. You held your hand out infront of you to see how good it looked on you, then sighed in satisfaction.

"I am going to wear this everyday of my life!" You squealed in delight.

Akashi had watched exactly what you had taken out of the box first and made a mental note of it. "So I was right. Chanyeol is your favorite." He had a smirk on his face. He was obviously feeling like he knew everything about you. You decided that you would let him have his happy moment since he got you all of this. I mean, it was the least that you could do.

You nodded your head at him, enjoying this moment. He was so thoughtful, but you just had to know how he knew, "How did you know that I liked EXO and my favorite was Chanyeol?"

He pretends to think about it, "Hmmm... How did I know?"

You playfully start to hit him, "You better tell, or I will punish you!"

"As the lady commands." he smiles, "You sing their songs often and watch them participate on a lot of variety shows. You talk about them a lot with your friends, too. I just paid close attention to you. As for finding out your favorite," he looked a little uncomfortable for this one, "there were tons of pictures on your phone and your message tone is his voice."

You were so impressed. Your boyfriend probably had the potential to be an Investigator. He was so cool. You clapped your hands together happily, "You are so cool!"

He smiled and did a little bow, "Thank you, thank you, I know I am awesome."

"I never said awesome, I said COOL."

He just laughed. His laugh was so sexy. "Do you want to go see a movie or something? I am free for the rest of the day."

You were caught up in his smile and laugh that you did not notice that he was talking, "What?"

He poked your forehead, "Pay attention when your emporer talks. I said that I am free for the rest of the day so we could go see a movie then go out to eat afterwards. Maybe after that we could go swimming in the pool or relax in the hot tub before bed. What do you think?"

"Hmmm." He is putting a lot of thought into this. He must be really happy that we are both basketball players now. "A movie sounds nice. We should see 'Ghost in Shell'."

He frowned, "That is an anime movie. We saw an anime movie last time. Let us switch it up a bit."

You sighed, "Ugh. Okay. How about Yakuza Apocalypse?"

"That is better. I am looking forward to it."

"About dinner, let us have sushi."

"We had that last time."

"But I like sushi."

"I actually already made reservations at 'FISH BANK TOKYO'."

You were completely shocked at what restaurant he just said. From what you knew, it was really fancy and not a place that a commoner like you could go. "Would they even allow us in there? I mean, we are still just students in high school."

Taming the Beast 2 (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن