Chapter 13

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This chapter is going to be from Seijuro-Sama's point of view. I apologize for being inactive. I started watching so many animes and never really thought about Seijuro-sama... I have neglected you. My new favorite anime is Naruto Shippuden (I started it this summer and caught up with it), so I guess that is what I will be writing about when I finish this. Either that or I will do whatever anyone requests. It is all up to you guys. I understand how you feel with an incomplete story. When I was reading some Yamato/Tenzou fanfiction and it was not finished and had not been updated in months, I felt incomplete. I will post at least once a week. I encourage comments because they are excellent sources of feedback. Thank you for staying with me for so long. It really has been a long time. By the way, that is Shu and Shizuka. That drawing has been long overdue (and my drawing is crap XD). Please enjoy the chapter.

I should have never let her go... This is all of my fault. I should have gone with her. None of this would have ever happened if I was with her always. KILL KILL KILL. What? KILL KILL KILL. Stay out of my head! You have caused us so much grief already! KILL KILL KILL. No! I have already killed two people. She was so scared of me when it happened. I hated myself for it. THE ONLY WAY FOR YOU TO PROTECT WHAT YOU LOVE IS TO KILL EVERYONE THAT STANDS IN YOUR WAY. No... I must not do this again... LET ME TAKE OVER FOR YOU. No! Not again! Last time I let you take over, you killed a little girl! IF I DID NOT KILL HER, SHE WOULD HAVE COME BACK TO KILL BOTH YOU AND (F/N). But... NO BUTS. THIS IS THE REASON WHY YOU ARE IN THIS PREDICAMENT. IF YOU HAD ONLY LET ME KILL GABRIEL WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE, THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED. IT IS BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO WEAK WILLED. YOU DID NOT LET ME OUT AND NOW SHE IS GONE. She is... gone... YES. AND IT IS YOUR FAULT. It is... my fault... YES. BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KILL GABRIEL. Because I... did not kill Gabriel... He moved her to another place. I know he did. I went back to the hospital the day after they threw me out to check up on her and she was not there. The nurse was not even a nurse there and the guards that had thrown me out the hospital were nowhere to be found. This is his doing. He did this. He took her somewhere. Why is he doing this...?

I paced back and forth in my room thinking and thinking of why someone like him would be doing this. How is he benefitting from all of this? As I continued to pace, I heard a knock at my door, "What is it?"

"Young master, you have guests." A young female voice. Kumori.

"Okay. I will be right there." Who could it be? Who is interrupting my thinking time? I was not expecting anyone...

As I descended the stairs, I saw my old friends Tetsuya, Shintaro, Ryouta, Atsushi, Daiki, and Satsuki. They all seem worried. Perhaps they have heard the news. I need to keep my cool.

"This is quite the surprise," I said, "I would say that it is pleasant, but it is not. I was not expecting any company. What brings you here?"

"Cut the crap, Akashi-kun." Tetsuya surprised me with his language. He had never spoken that way to me before. "You know why we are here."

"No. I do not think that I do know."


I sighed. I would have to tell them after all, "She was taken from me."

Everyone stood there silently. The first one to speak up was Tetsuya, "What do you mean?"

"I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I mean that she was taken. Someone took her from me. I have no clue if she is even alive." I thought about it for a moment. He could have just shot her multiple times in the head to make sure that she was dead, but he did not. He must be wanting to make me suffer. "No. Scratch that. She is most likely alive, but I do not know where she is. She was shot and in the hospital. They would not allow me to see her and they had her on some kind of drug. They threw me out. I went again the next day, but she was gone along with the nurse and the guards that sent me away."

Daiki punched me in the face. "What the fuck did you get her involved in??? This is all of your doing, is it not???"

I hung my head. I could not argue with him. I really was all of my fault. I figured that I should probably come clean. "Okay. This guy that owns a rival company started showing an interest in (f/n). He would show up at school and the movies and just about anywhere that she was. She does not know that I know that he visited her when she made the basketball team and went out for milkshakes with her and the team. She went out this one night to give him mochi and she was found bleeding out in front of his house with bullets in her shoulder, leg, back, and head. Luckily, she survived. She was in the hospital, but she is gone now."

There was more silence, but this time, the one to break it was Shintaro.

"I think that there is more there. There has to be a reason why he is doing this. It seems rather personal. Did you do something to him?"

I racked my brain trying to figure out what I did to this guy. "I know not what-" Shu and Shizuka! That is the only reason why he would want me to suffer this much! His unknown father must have been Shu and Shizuka's father! He must have loved them very much so when they were killed... But how would he have found out? Perhaps he has someone over here working for him... But who would it be??

"Do you have something Akashi-kun?" Tetsuya's voice broke into my thoughts.

"I killed two people." I finally said. Everyone gasped. "I hospitalized Shu and killed his little sister, Shizuka, with whom he was engaging in sexual acts. I assaulted Shu when he was sexually harassing (f/n). He seemed really dangerous and I just lost all control. Shizuka kidnapped (f/n) and was planning to torture her and then offer her mangled body as a gift to Shu so he could love her again. I believe that this Gabriel is their older half brother. That is the only way that this situation would make any sense. I do not know how he knows that I did it, but he knows. Perhaps he has someone working for him undercover that is spying on her or something like that."

Everyone was silent. I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were all thinking hard about who it could be. They were reviewing the information that was presented to them. I was sure that Shintaro or Tetsuya were going to answer first, but it was Daiki.

"It was the reporter girl from your school that she told me about."

"Reporter girl?" I asked.

"Newspaper club girl that tried to ruin your relationship?"

It all made sense now. That one upperclassman Hamasaki Chiharu. Ever since F/n and I started dating, she has been all over us. There was also that incident where she tried to tear us apart with that tennis guy or whatever. I do not even remember his name. Not worth my time. KILL HIM. I cannot. I do not have enough information yet. LET ME FIND THE INFORMATION FOR YOU. YOU KNOW THAT I CAN DO IT MOST EFFECTIVELY. I know that, but I cannot have you hurting anyone that I care about. DEAL. What? IT IS A DEAL. I WILL NOT KILL ANYONE THAT IS NOT INVOLVED IN THIS OR IS A PERSON YOU CARE ABOUT. How can I be so sure that you eill not just go run loose? I CARE ABOUT HER, TOO. Come again? I CARE ABOUT F/N, TOO. SHE LOVES ME, US, EVEN THOUGH WE KILLED PEOPLE. SHE LOVES US BOTH SO MUCH. I JUST WANT TO GET HER BACK. I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER. I WOULD KILL IF SOMEONE STOOD IN THE WAY OF GETTING HER BACK. Even a friend? I JUST SAID IT WAS A DEAL THAT I WOULD NOT KILL THEM. DO NOT MAKE ME CHANGE MY MIND. Okay. Deal. Just give me a minute.

"As a desperate and last resort, I am calling on 'him'." I informed the group before me.

Everyone gasped and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Ryouta was the first to break the dead silence in the already dense atmosphere. "Akashicchi, you could not possibly mean...?"

"Yes. I do. That is how bad the situation has gotten. We are going to be switching places for a while."

"Are you sure about this, though, Akashi?" Shintaro questioned, "He is unpredictable. There is no telling what he could do."

A pained expression that I had never made before donned my face, "What other option do I have? I need her. She is my everything and I love her."

Understanding the severity of the situation, no one else said a word of objection. You can come out now.TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH.

My eyes were glowing. I already knew. That is the proof of the switch. I smirked at the scared faces in front of me.

"Hello, gentlemen. I has been a while, has it not? Let us have some fun and go get back my woman!"

Tetsuya took a step back, "K-Kuro(black) Akashi..."

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