Chapter 6

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On top of you, with his face inches from yours was someone from your past who you thought you had completely forgotten. Seeing his face, looking into his dark blue eyes, the memories came flooding back.

"(f/n)... When did you...?" He seemed confused. That was understandable seeing as you had not seen him in a few years.

"Aomine..." You really wanted to say something heartfelt after seeing the look on his face, but right now, you were more concerned about the enormous weight on you causing your intake of air to drop drastically. "Please... Get off... Too heavy... Cannot... Breathe..."

"Ah!" He quickly got off of you and scratched the back of his head, "My bad."

"Yea," You said as you got to your feet, "do not even bother to help up the person you knocked down." Putting your hands on your hips, you gave him a playful glare.

He poked your forehead and smirked, "I was not the one running. Or the on that pulled someone else down when I was falling."

You stuck your tongue out at him and he laughed. You pouted, "What is so funny?"

"When you stuck out your tongue, all I could think about was sticking my tongue in your mouth and groping your large breasts as I did so."

You took a step back and looked at Aomine warily. Has he always been like this? You wondered. "Uh. Excuse me?" Your hands instinctively covering your chest

He laughed again, "It was a joke. Relax."

You let out a sigh of relief and let your arms fall to your sides. "Do not scare me like that. I thought I would have to call someone."

He rushes forward and gets you in a headlock. You cry out, but he just rubs his fist on your head, messing up your hair. "H-Hey! Aomine! Cut it out! You are messing up my hair!" You yell while he continues his evil deed. After a minute or so, he lets you go.

Finally free, you pout and try to fix your hair. Unfortunately, you are not the type of girl to carry a purse with you, meaning that you do not ever carry a brush to fix your hair from any kind of disaster or bad hair day that you come into contact with. You take out your phone and use it as a mirror to inspect the damage. On a scale of 1-10 it was a 15.

"Oh God No!" You shout. Then you turn to him, "Why would you do that!? You jerk!"

The dark-skinned male's smile was replaced with a frown. "When did you become such a girl."

"Do not test me." You warned him, "I can still kick your ass like in the old days."

He smiled, "There she is! My number one feisty beauty!"

You blushed at the compliment, "What-? What are you saying? Stop it you idiot."

He grabbed your phone from you. And started his evil work on it. He was crazy tall so you could not reach your phone. He handed it back to you as soon as he was done, he handed you back your phone.

"What did you do?" You asked him, clearly suspicious.

He smirked, "I put in my number so you can contact me whenever. Here." He handed you his phone. "Put your number in."

"Ah. Ok." You did as he asked of you and handed his phone back to him.

"Thanks." He said. Then he scratched the back of his head and looked awkwardly to the side. He had a slight blush on his cheeks. "Would you... like to go get a popsicle with me... or something?"

"I am sorry, Aomine." You apologize to him, "I have to go and see Seijuro or he will get mad."

"Akashi!?" He was clearly surprised, "Why do you know him?"

"Well we kinda go to the same school, so it is kinda hard not to know him. He is at the top of my grade. Everyone knows him." You checked the time. If you did not leave now, you would not make it to Akashi's house in time. Sure, there was no set time, but if you took too long, he might get suspicious. "I have to go now or I will not make it in time. Goodbye, Aomine."



"Call me Daiki or I refuse to answer you."

You smile at his cute, selfish request. "Okay, Daiki."

He smiled, waved, and left. You hurried into the direction of your house.

Thankfully, while you were on the way to your house, you texted your parents to pack up your stuff for you and have it waiting in the front of your house for you. It was out in the front by the door, just as you had asked. You did not have to go inside or talk to anyone, but you thought that it would be the appropriate thing to do considering that they did raise you for all of these years. It was the least that you could do. You only said your greetings and that you did not have time to stay and chat. You told them where you were going and just as your mother and father were throwing themselves into another one of their fits, you saw yourself out.

When you arrived at Akashi's house, you were greeted at the door with a warm embrace and a sweet kiss.

"Welcome back." Akashi sweetly whispered into your ear.

"I was here this morning, remember?" You reminded him while giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Oh that's right, your surprise." Akashi remembered his promise and led you through the house and upstairs to his room.

On the bed was box in red wrapping and tied with a single red ribbon. Wow. He really likes his red. Jeez.

"Go on," He insisted, "open it."

"I do not know..." You joked, "There could be a severed head in it. Haha."

"Ha Ha. Very funny." He kissed your cheek, "Just open it and you will  be in love with me all over again."

You slowly untied the ribbon. You did it slowly on purpose because you know that your beloved is slightly impatient and that it would annoy him.

"C'mon, (f/n)." He whined, "Do not play like that!"

You stopped opening the present and looked at him with an innocent expression on your face. "Whatever do you mean, Seijuro? I am not playing. I am seriously opening this gift from you to me."

Clearly annoyed at this point (SUCCESS!), Akashi said, "If you do not open it, I am going to be that guy that opens the present for the girl. Do you want me to be that guy?"

You pouted, but finally opened it. What was inside made you scream at the top of your lungs, so of course your wonderful boyfriend had to cover your mouth with his hand to stop you from waking up everyone in Japan. If he had let you continue, someone would have surely called the cops. You just stared at the box, tears streaming down your face while your boyfriend embraced you by the waist from behind.

"I know. I know." Akashi said trying o calm you down a little bit, "But it is 100% real."

Taming the Beast 2 (Seijuro Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now