VIII - Sleep

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Juno, to say the least, is a disaster magnet.

It is not something she does intentionally, but no matter where she goes pain will follow. As soon as she started to feel better after her last attack, she found herself in the hospital once more. In less than two weeks she has been admitted to the pack's hospital twice.

The attack against her is not nearly as bad as the last time, but complications still arose because her stitches haven't fully healed. Although she feels no worse for wear, the doctors have decided that she is going to spend the night in order to make sure she doesn't get worse. After an afternoon of having her new injuries cataloged and the older ones inspected, Juno has the night alone.

Juno's room is small, barely large enough for the mobile bed and the other equipment. The walls are painted a dull green color and the lights are too bright for her, so she simply sits in the darkness. The television mounted to the wall doesn't receive most channels, so she is stuck watching children's programming on mute.

Luna Elizabeth had visited her earlier and made sure that Juno was okay. She had promised to discharge her first thing in the morning. Luna didn't have a chance to stay long because Alpha is in town for the first time in nearly a month. Juno understands that although she can't stand Alpha and everything that he stands for, he is still a mate and they're in love with a child on the way.

She has been uninterrupted for almost an hour and Juno found herself nodding off. She has been laying in this bed since she had gotten off the bus and the afternoon has moved by slowly. The pain medication they have her on today is no stronger than ibuprofen but she doesn't have the mental capacity to worry about anything going on in her life.

When the door opens, she doesn't bother opening her eyes, certain that it is simply one of the nurses checking on her. The door closes quietly and there are light footsteps against the linoleum, the smell of nice cologne permeating the air.

"Oh, Darling, it hurts to see you like this," he whispers to himself, and Juno doesn't want to know why he is here, watching over her once again.

He sits on the edge of her bed, not saying anything but she can feel his eyes on her. She flinches as she feels his fingers brush against her face, moving hair out from in front of her eyes. She doesn't want him here, she would much rather be asleep. It is the first time in days that she has felt the pull of sleep, usually, she is too strung out and focusing on all the things going on in her life.

"I know you're awake," Percy says softly, continuing to fiddle with her hair. Much the same as last time, the motion drawing her further from consciousness.

"I want to sleep," Juno groans, opening her eyes. In the low light of the room, it was difficult to see what the color of his hair is, but his curls still fall into his eyes. He wears a button up shirt, but, again, it is impossible to tell what its color is. He isn't clean-shaven like the last time she saw him, but the room is too dark to know if it is a bad look on him. 

"I'll leave you to it then," He says, starting to rise. Before she can even process her own actions, Juno reaches out for Percy, her hand lightly holding onto his bare wrist. She finds that he is warm and her icy fingers are grateful for that. After months of ignoring each other's existence, Juno can't help but want something out of him, especially when he was the first to break the silence. Maybe he has left it in her court, wondering when she would respond. She doesn't believe in soulmates, that there is one perfect person for you, but she wants someone to depend on. She wants someone who she can turn to who isn't Luna Elizabeth.

"Stay," is what comes out of her mouth before she can even think it over. She looks up at him, finding his figure hidden and distorted by the lighting in the room. "here, with me."

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