Chapter 9

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Someone lifts the long cloth from the table and it's the one and only Chryssa looking at me with a smirk playing at her lips. I mentally scoff. Why the fuck was she here?! I let out a huff as I make my way up again, into my seat.

"Are you okay?" Ace asks, beside me.

I didn't want to talk so I just look back to Chryssa who still has the smirk on her face.

"Well, look here, it's CeCe. How are you today CeCe?"

'I was doing fine until you showed up,' my brain says. I didn't want to make myself look like a fool in front of the others, so I just dealt with it the best I could. "I'm fine. And you?" My teeth grit together as the words come out. I hope no one notices that I was stressing out my words.

"Oh just peachy, so who are all these people? Care to introduce?"

I want to roll my eyes at her so bad but I restrain myself to. I look over to each person who either was curious to why I was hanging out with Chryssa or blank to what was going on. But when I see Vlad's face he looks skeptical of what was taking place. I quickly look back at Chryssa, hiding the fact that Vlad could be figuring everything out even when I only met him not too long ago.

"Well, this is Kyle, Fia, Skylar, Catia, Vlad, Joseph, and Ace."

"My, my, my, aren't there many guys here." She tries to be sexy but all I see is desperate. She walks over next to Kyle and sits on his lap. I look at the girl with a whole other crazy. The biggest shocker is that Kyle doesn't move but looks at her like she may be the prettiest thing to walk into his life. I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

I could feel Vlads gaze but for some reason I found it more comforting than seeing what was happening in front of me. This girl needs to get lost or this will not end well.


I sit there, slumping in my seat as Chryssa works her charm on everyone at the table. I honestly can't stand this girl. Why was she even talking to them was my question. Ace was even indulging in conversation with her. They were talking about "childhood memories". It was a good thing and a bad thing. It was good because I got to learn more about Ace but a bad thing because he was telling all of this to Chryssa, the slutty biotch. Excuse my language but it is the truth.

Oh not to mention that I am extremely uncomfortable because at the corner of my eye, I can see Chryssa feeling up Kyle. Kyle has one hell of a poker face too since he barely flinches when she is doing it. Well okay, he did flinch the first time but the next time he just sat there talking like she wasn't doing anything. It was again I say, uncomfortable.

Vlad hasn't stop looking at me either. I just wonder why though. I feel like he is trying to figure out my story or something but I don't even want to think about that right now, not when Chryssa is by me talking her mouth off and feeling up a guy she barely knows. I hate to break it to the world but the girl is the definition of a whore.

I've been tuning her out for the past ten minutes now because after talking with Ace about his childhood, which was cute and all, she started to talk about sexual orientation. Which, I didn't want to hear from her. I already knew she despises anyone who wasn't straight. I mean she even has a blog about it.

How do I know that? Well she has emailed everyone who is on the "straight" list and I so happened to be on that list. She probably doesn't even know she sent it to me and I have no clue how she got anyone's email either. That must have been so much work. I read it on my phone while waiting for my mom to get my contacts.

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