Chapter 6

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"Ugh, I'm going to kill you dweeb!!" I yell loudly in my pure pissed-off mode.

Last night, I did the usual studying and trying to get everything done. I slept like a baby without anyone disturbing me. I was really tired after doing homework and needed my rest, and then it was the morning. I got up early to cook some breakfast when I found Roland in the kitchen finishing some of his homework, which was unusual since he always got it done the night before, like me.

Like always, I went over to him to ruffle that silky red hair that slipped between my fingers with the slightest touch. I'm not sure what shampoo my brother uses, but it works for him. Then, I started stirring some pancake mix, for not just me, but for everyone else. Roland came over to offer to help. I told him that I would need his help and offered up my thanks, but what I didn't know he was going to do was grab a handful of the pancake mix and throw it all over my face!

At first, it took me a minute to process what just happened. When I finally processed the circumstance, Roland was already darting to the stairs, which made me let out a cry that I knew would wake everyone else up.

"You can't kill me! I'm your brother!" he yells back.

"I don't care if you're my brother, I am going to kill you and cook you for breakfast if I have to!" I say, running up the flights of stairs now.

I hear Roland slam his bedroom door and lock it before I even reach his room. Once there, I started to bang on it, letting the anger drown the embarrassment that was on my face. It was just pancake mix, but it was still uncalled for! "Get out here and take it like a man, dweeb! I will hunt you down and throw you to the piranhas! The piranhas being the parentals!"

"Yeah, go and tell them you tattletale!"

"What are you in? First grade?! Get out of there and I won't have to be this tattletale you think me to be!"

"In your dreams big sis, in your dreams," I hear him say through the door.

Oh, he was enjoying this, wasn't he? Well, let's see how much he will enjoy it if I do something sneaky to him. I quietly back away from the door and head back to the kitchen. This was going to be war, whether he saw it coming or not. Once in the kitchen, I rummage through the fridge. So he wants to throw pancake mix into my face? Well, let me just whip something up for him.

I grab syrup, eggs, milk, oil, cocoa powder, orange juice, and peanut butter. I take out a big mixing bowl from our oak cabinet and place it on the table with the rest of the ingredients. I started to pour everything at once to make sure it all went together smoothly. When I'm done, I take a whiff of the mix. I cringe immediately at the sewage smell that was in my nose.

The stench is so strong I have to pinch my nose. I take the bowl and go back up to go to my parents' room. I open their door and find that my mom is up reading her book, which she does before getting ready for the day.

"Mom?" I ask before stepping in.

"Hmmm?" she murmurs before looking up. "What is that?"

"Can you help me with something?"

She eyes me and the bowl suspiciously. "What are you planning? And what is that smell?" she says, demonstrating an unpleasant face.

I start to laugh, a little evil one at that. "Oh, you will see Mom, you will see. Can you just knock on Roland's door for me?" I give my mom an evil smile thinking about how Roland's face will look.

"I don't know what you're up to, and I don't seem to like it...but what the heck! Yolo!" she says laughing a little bit like a mischievous teen. I can't believe my mom just said that. She's hanging out with my little brothers too much; I can already tell. I will have a little talk with them later but right now, my mother is up to doing this plan with me.

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