Bullies Get Worse

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Erasing every memory Henrietta got of the prom night, she came to school. She was regretting all the attitude she threw toward Silvia and the way she treated Michael. They didn't deserve what Henrietta gave them. Now, it was time to rectify herself by overpowering her faults and overcoming her disabilities. Yes, she believed she had some severe emotional issues that impeded her to proceed in any relationship.

Entering the classroom, Henrietta heard whispers all around herself. The girls were chuckling among their selves talking about her, boys were hissing making unwanted slang remarks. They thought Henrietta wouldn't understand that they were talking about her, but having extra powerful hearing sense she did.

Henrietta hardly stopped her tears that reached her eyeballs. She knew one drop of tear was precious than a hundred drops of blood. She didn't want to waste such a valuable thing for such situation.

She walked by and sat on the seat she used to sit when Silvia was her best friend. Now, trying to repent for her mistakes and thought to and about Silvia she again tried to fit herself in them, obviously sparing the time Silvia and Michael wanted together.

Silvia was on her seat. She always reached school early. She smiled when she saw Henrietta. The next moment, she realized smile wasn't enough for her. Henrietta had still to see, she was yet to go through the shock of people naming her.

"Hey, how are you?" Silvia asked.

"Life couldn't get any worse, Silvia. I am done."

"Hey! Don't say such thing. You're strong, remember that always."

Henrietta sighed. She didn't want to argue with Silvia on this matter. She had enough of arguments and debates with herself.
"Ah!" Henrietta screamed as she fell on the floor. It was Evelina, the karate schooler of the class and holder of black belt. Evelina's eyes shined as she punched Henrietta on her face.

Silvia wasn't near that time, she had gone to the canteen counter to pick a sandwich. The other students present at the canteen that time just enjoyed the fun.

Henrietta got up and stood up. She lost her trace and was touching the air to know everything around her. Evelina smiled, again she pushed Henrietta from the back. Imbalanced Henrietta fell on the table this time. Evelina, pushing her into the surface of the table, grabbed her ponytail and shook her head, banging on the hard table mat.

This time, Henrietta couldn't but stop her tears. Her forehead was cut, it was bleeding badly. Her lips were severely wounded when she hit the floor with her face.

Silvia cringed her face as she saw a huge crowd. This wasn't supposed to be here. She made Henrietta sit on that very place. Hoping it wasn't what she suspected, she entered the crowd and seeing what was going on, she felt dizzy.

The muscle woman Evelina was holding skinny Henrietta on her right hand while squeezing her cheeks with the left. Henrietta was bleeding, she was looking horrified and scared. She was like a weak kitten attacked by a grumpy bulldog.

Evelina was delivering a speech to the crowd, "Guys, this girl is a whore and she's a shame. Every year, our prom party ends with joy and the selection of the homecoming prom queen, but this year, she created a drama by tearing her clothes apart. Honey, come on, if you want to show off your *****, not here. Go to the right place!"

Silvia realized with horror that Evelina had a mug of hot chocolate kept on the table. Before Silvia could do anything to stop her, that devil poured the hot chocolate on Henrietta's hair. She screamed with pain.

Silvia couldn't resist. She ran through the crowd to stop Evelina. But the party got started. Everyone started throwing their lunches toward Henrietta, who had been thrown on the floor just then. Henrietta was crawling, trying to stand up. But she was hurt. Hot and hazardous food items were falling on her.

Silvia stepped on something and slipped. She tried to get up, but everyone seemed to run over her toward the melodrama. A lot of days had passed since there had been such an amusing and entertaining thing occurring at the canteen. She could hear Henrietta crying, screaming for help. There was none to help her.

Bullying never stopped, the bullies got worst. Unknowingly, they pushed an innocent girl toward suicidal thoughts.

Every year, many kids commit suicide being tattered and fed up by such bullying. None tries to stop the worse and worst beating, calling names and other abuses.

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