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Henrietta heard the door to open. She could bet it was a stranger. But, she wondered who and why. She decided not to scream, the scene may get worse. Maybe this person wanted a spare tire or gasoline or something.

"Who is it?" Henrietta tried to keep her voice normal as far as possible.

There was silence. She felt odd. She searched for her Blackberry that had typing options on its body. She just typed Mic of Michael, when someone jumped into the car and covered her mouth. Henrietta was terrified and wanted to scream her heart out. The stranger kept her mouth covered, not with barehand rather he had a napkin soaked in chloroform. Henrietta was filled in terror and for the first time, she regretted for not having the ability to see.

The stranger soon tied her hands and got her on his shoulder. She could understand that he was going out of the car. The next thing the person did after a few seconds was, threw her into another Pajero. She wasn't really getting what was happening. She was trying to shout and yell for help but couldn't. The door of the Pajero was shut off and the car geared. What she understood now was, she was getting kidnapped.

Michael stood up with Silvia as she was done with throwing up. Silvia was embarrassed that Michael came to help her. She didn't want him to see her puking. She stood up rubbing her face with the wipe that Michael gave her.

"Its getting late, Michael. Let's go. Henrietta's alone there." Silvia said walking toward the car.

"Are you sure that you're alright?"

"I don't have much in my stomach to throw again. Be relieved!"

"Alright then."

They had gotten a bit far from the car because Silvia didn't want to puke on persons dried grain that was kept near the sideways where the car was parked.

When they reached the car, they found the door open. Alongside, Henrietta wasn't in the car. They first thought maybe Henrietta had gotten out for a walk. But when they found, she hadn't because she didn't know the place well for a walk, their jaw dropped.

"Henrietta! Where are you?" Silvia started screaming.

"Henrie..." Michael paused as his sight got stuck into something.

"What is it, Michael?" Silvia asked and imitated his direction and froze.

This was the same time when the person was boarding Henrietta on the car with the napkin on her mouth and her hands tied. Michael and Silvia understood in a glance what was happening there, Henrietta was getting kidnapped!

Before anyone could understand a thing, Michael started running toward the Pajero and screaming, "Help! Help! Abduction!" The area was kind of remote an isolated. None was there to help them out, not even the motorway police.

Silvia was still in shock. She couldn't make her decision. Should she run with Michael or call the police? She was about to get her phone out of her bag but the time was like a moment. She saw Michael almost fly on the car but it has geared already and started moving.

Silvia wanted to warn Michael but at that very moment, someone else banged a stick on her head and she fell on the ground, unconscious. That person went to Michael who just fell from off the spoiler of the Pajero and was tremendously shivering in fear as he saw that person banging stick on Silvia's head. Next, Michel lost his consciousness. The person walked away as he dropped himself on the ground with his phone following.

Both of them fell on the ground, drenched in blood. Silvia's forehead was cut and blood was dripping from there. Michael's backward of the head seemed to have fracture, bleeding was unending. They were facing each other laying on the street. Silvia still had the wipe in her hand, Michael still had few chips in his pocket that Henrietta filled this morning.

There in the car, Henrietta was crying. She couldn't see the world that is why it was harder for her. Everything was absolutely frightening to her than other girls in many folds. She didn't lose consciousness although being chloroformed, her willpower was such strong. She was slightly lucky because she didn't have to see the scene of beating her two best friends who was now lying on the cold hard ground on motorway soaked in blood. She didn't have to see how Michael's white T-shirt turned red, how Silvia's red tank top turned more red. Yeah, Henrietta can be called lucky because she didn't have to see these violence, on her soulmates.

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