Chapter 7

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We stepped out of the cab at St James Park to see hundreds of police officers surrounding an area in the park. Sherlock and I sprinted across the grass, Sherlocks bellstaf flapping in the wind. He lifted some police tape for me and we ducked under it. We found Lastrade and he filled us in on what happened.

"He walked into the park 23 minutes ago, he took out a gun and fired it into the air. All of the civilians ran out of the park and Scotland Yard was immediately informed and we raced over to the park. We took some precautions though, just in case things got messy." Lastrade said

"Where is he?" Sherlock demanded

Lastrade pointed to a park bench 60 paces away from us. That's when I saw the devil himself. Sherlock and I walked slowly up to Jim until we were only 10 paces away.

"Miss me?" Jim said in a high voice. Sherlock stood across from Moriarty, the table in between us, and I stood next to him glaring at the criminal.

"What do you want." Sherlock angrily spat.

"I thought you would be pleased to see me?" Jim said grinning. Sherlock pulled a gun out of his coat and and pointed it at Jim.

"Ah. you are pleased to see me." He drawled.

"What do you want!" Sherlock said again putting his finger on the trigger.

Moriarty stood up and put the last thing I would have thought on the table. A tape recorder. I sucked in a breath

"How do you have one of those." I questioned stepping forwards.

"Do you want me to play it for you?" Jim sang smirking. "Good to see you again Molly." He looking me up and down, I had to resist the urge to slap him. He winked and picked up the recorder.

"I James Moriarty approve my death and everything the Doctor did to me... See you in Hell Sherlock."

"Looks like we're together on this one baby." Jim said to me smirking. He walked towards me.

"Do not touch her." Sherlock growled stepping next to me.

"Feisty." Moriarty said, "we do have to work together though you know." He said sitting down. I turned and faced Sherlock.

"He's right you know, the Doctor wouldn't have given him a recorder if it wasn't necessary, we have to work with him."

Sherlock sighed and sat down across from Moriarty setting his gun down on the table, I sat next to him.

"If we are going to cooperate." I began,
"I need to know how you lived."

"Ask your dearest Sherlock, he knows."
"Emilia Ricoletti." he whispered Winking at Sherlock. I looked over at Sherlock confusion written all over my face.

"Later." He said giving me a fake smile.

"Okay my turn. Who is the Doctor and what does he want with us." Moriarty said folding his hands in front of him on the table.

"It's a little difficult to explain." I began,
"He is a time traveler, not just through time but also space. He travels around saving planets and races. As for what he wants, I have no idea." I finished.

"You forgot the part about traveling with my friends." The Doctor said walking up behind us.

"Doctor!" I exclaimed I stood up and slapped him across the face.

"Something in my future then." he said confused.

"Yes!" I yelled

"Ah. I look forward to it." He said walking up to the table. "Who is this." He said pointing to Jim.

"This is the only consulting criminal in the world, his name is Jim Moriarty." Sherlock said standing up next to me.

"Ah." The Doctor said as he pulled out his sonic scanning him, " yes, okay. Your not a nice man."

"Pleasure to meet you too." Jim said smirking.

"Sorry sorry sorry." Lastrade said suddenly running up to us, "he insisted on coming up to you.. something about a recorder." He panted, out of breath.

"It's okay Lastrade." I said reassuringly. He nodded his head and ran back to the edge of the police tape.

"You have a recorder!" I said suddenly, Lastrades words finally clicking.

"Ah yes here we are." The Doctor said pulling out a Tape Recorder and pressing play.

"I am the Doctor, go to 51.5017° N, 0.1319° W Earth on January 5th 2016. Prepare to die."

Hope you liked this chapter! Thanks for reading!


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