Chapter 16

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The teller releases the Doctor.

"Did you see why we came? Why we're here? We had to delete our own memories, otherwise you'd have known, and then she'd have known, because you were mentally linked. But she's gone now. They've all gone. They have no power over you now. You can do exactly what you want to do now. Exactly what you've always wanted to do."

"I approve what the doctor has in store for us, we were warning ourselves that we could trust the architect." I say realizing what we did. A small lock turns on the wall.

"It knows the combination." Jim says.

"Of course it does. It was linked to Karabraxos." The doctor replies.

"What exactly are we doing here? That thing killed people." I said

"Well so might you do, to protect everything you loved." The safe door swings open to reveal a second creature in a straight jacket. It wails.

"There she is. Not the last of its species. The last two." The doctor says. Jim works to unchain her.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's all right." I comfort.

"Exit strategy. We've got six shredders." Sherlock says.

"Exactly. This wasn't a bank heist. It never was. It was rescue mission for a whole species. Flesh and blood, the last currency." The lights flicker.

"Time to go home. What do you think of that, big man?" A big roar.

~  the tellers planet surface

"So much mental traffic in the universe. Solitude is the only peace." The doctor says quietly. Freed of their clothing and restraints, the two telepathic beings walk off together.

~back in the Tardis

"Jim, why are you so caring all of the sudden. You used to be a heartless monster." I say. Sherlock chuckles next to me.

"With this syringe I can bring back my mother, she is the reason I turned dark." Jim says smiling at the thought of his mother. The Tardis makes its wheezing noise signaling we had landed.

"Earth, 2 minutes after we left." The doctor announced.

"Thank you so much!" Jim says shaking hands with the doctor. He nods at Sherlock and I and walks out of the Tardis, flipping the syringe in his hand.

Sherlock shakes the doctors hand and walks to the door waiting for me. I turn to the doctor and grin wildly. I wrap my arms around him in a hug and he spins me around. He takes my hand and kisses it.

"Till' next time Molly." He says and winks at me. I give him a smile and join Sherlock. I give one last wave at the Doctor and see him wildly flipping switches. We walk out to Sherlocks living room and watch as the Tardis disappeared. I put my hand in my coat smiling and feel a scrap of paper. Confused I pull it out.

07700 900461
See you soon
-Doctor xx

the doctors number was scrawled across the small paper. I smiled and turned to Sherlock showing him the paper. He smiled and took my hands.

"Molly, I know we have only been dating for about a year, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you." Sherlock says and gets on one knee and pulling out the black box. I cover my mouth with my hand and feel tears at the corner of my eyes.

"Molly Anne Iversen, would you do me the pleasure of being my wife?"

"Yes. Oh god yes." I say, tears of happiness flowing down my face. He slips the ring on my hand and kisses me happily.

"I love you!" I say my forehead resting in Sherlocks

"I love you too."


That's it! I hope you liked my story. I enjoyed writing it! Should I make a second book? If you think so let me know, then I can get started on it asap. Thanks again :)


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