Chapter 3

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"Where is the Doctor?" John asked looking at my ticked off face.

"He left. He just left." I said slightly pissed at him.

"Hey babe. It's all right." Sherlock whispered wrapping his arms arround my waist from behind.

I turned arround and put my arms around his neck. I leaned in to kiss him but at the last second pulled away and ruffled his curls.

"Hey, I don't think so!" Sherlock protested chasing me arround 221b.

he finally caught me and attacked me in kisses. I fell down on the couch laughing. When I controlled my laughter I sat up and climbed on Sherlocks lap, straddling him as we passionately kissed. John sat down in his chair trying to avoid looking at us. My hands were in his dark hair, his on my neck. We paused momentarily at the sound of the door bell. We untangled from each other and I turned arround sitting on Sherlocks lap, his arms wrapped arround me.

"Lastrade." Sherlocks low voice sang into my ear. Just as he walked in I pecked Sherlocks lips.

"Ah, Molly," He said, "I see you have returned."

"Hello Lastrade." I said giving him a warm smile.

"what do you want." Sherlock bellowed impatiently. I squeezed his hand signaling him to calm down.

"There has been a break in at a local store." He said nervously.

"Boring." Sherlock sang.

"Whats different about it?" John asked, "you wouldn't be here if it didn't have a catch."

"Yes, excellent point John." Lastrade said, "you will have to come see it, I.. I can't explain it."


Lastrade, John, Sherlock and I exited the cab approaching a taped off building. I linked hands with Sherlock as we entered the small store. I walked around not noticing anything until I got to the back of the store.

"Oi!" I yelled pounding on a door, the Tardis had lodged itself
In the door frame. The door flung open and out sauntered the Doctor his hands full of plastic bags.

"Doctor!" I yelped

"You know this man!" Lastrade said.

"Yeah, I do." I said eyebrows furrowed as the Doctor grabbed my hand and dragged me and Sher into the Tardis.

"It's bigger... It's... How!" Sherlock demanded, his eyes wide. I kissed his cheek calming him down and took his hand.

"221b here we come!" The Doctor said wildly flipping switches.

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