Chapter 2

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I woke up quickly hearing a noise, it was a sort of wheezing noise. I opened one eye recognizing the noise. A blue box had appeared in my room, a tall man stepped out.

"Hello there, I'm the d..." The man got out before I interrupted him.

"What the he.. Doctor?!" I said.

A confuses look was plastered on the Doctors face. I slowly sat up in bed and walked up to him. I put my hand slowly on his cheek bone but pulled it away quickly. I stared to circle him, same shirt, same coat, I crouched down and inspected his shoes, same shoes. But how could this be possible? I stood up and met the Doctors confused gaze. I straightened his bow tie and smiled getting an idea.

"Molly Iversen, pleasure." I said sticking my hand out.

"I'm the Doctor." He said enthusiastically, shaking my hand.
I grabbed his middle finger and thumb forcing them to snap.

"Thank you!" I said walking past him to his Tardis. Snapping his fingers opened the Tardis and I walked in, the Doctor hurrying in after me.

"Hey, you can't just bust in here!" He yelled grabbing my arm.

"Take me to London." I quickly said

"Sorry, do I know you?" He said realizing be was standing in the Tardis with a women he just met.

"Nope" I replied

"Have we met?" He demanded

"No" I drawled walking around the central console

"Okay, I've got it, are you in my future?" He said

"Not sure." I said distractedly, my hand over a red button.

"No no no no no." Doctor said his hand slapping mine away from the button.

" it will blow up the Tardis into a million pieces." We said at the same time

"How did you know that!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"You want to know how I know about you, about the Tardis? Take me to London and I will tell you." I said

"All right." The Doctor said, curiosity getting the better of him.

"Yes I know, it's bigger on the inside." I said smirking "Geronimo."


We arrived in a small park and I excitedly ran out of the Tardis.

"Why are we here?" The Doctor asked

" you'll see." I said as I hailed a cab

"221b Baker Street" I practically yelled.

We arrived outside 221b and I stepped out of the cab a smile playing on my face. The cab drove away and I saw John in the window, I brought up two fingers to my forehead and saluted my friend. I knocked on the door and was greated by Ms. Hudson.

"Darling its so great to see you!" She whispered embracing me.
I smiled and started to walk up the stairs.

"Who is your friend?" Ms. Hudson asked

"Just met her today, not quite her friend." Doctor said giving her a goofy smile
I raised my eyebrows and bolted up the stairs. I ran straight into Johns arms.

"Oh how I've missed you." He said

"I've missed you too John." I said smiling.

That's when I saw Sherlock. He stood there staring at me in disbelief, his eyes gazing into mine.

"Sher!" I said running to him, I wrapped my arms arround his tall frame and he spun me around. He set me down and I couldn't contain myself anymore. I slammed my lips against his one hand on his neck, another in his hair. He rested his hands on my waist and pulled me closer.

"Helllllo." The Doctor said "I'm still heeeereee."

"I love you Molly." Sherlock said breaking apart from me.
I rested my forehead on his and pecked his lips turning arround to introduce everyone.

"Doctor this is John Watson, John this is The Doctor." I said, they shook hands.

"Sher this is The Doctor, Doctor this is Sherlock Holmes." They shook hands as well.

"Now I brought you here, I want my part in the deal." The Doctor said. I liked my hand with Sherlocks and started explaining how I know about him.

"There is this TV show, called Doctor Who, I love it. It's about you and your friends and the things you face across time and space."
I explain quickly.

"Oh... You know everything? That's, strange." I give him a weak smile and he turns away.

"Where are you going?" I ask running after him.

"Going back to my Tardis." He replies turning away.

"Oh." I say "okay bye." I say quietly. He didn't even turn arround.

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