Chapter 28:"She's flat lining!"

Start from the beginning

"They?" I smiled,"They're both okay?"

"Mom and baby are both fine," AJ smiled.

"Thank god," I sighed in relief, and stood up. I walked into the infirmary, and saw Natalie lying in bed. I smiled and quickly walked over to her.

As soon as I grabbed her hand, she woke up.

"Hey," I smiled. Natalie's eyes started watering, and I got really confused. Did I do something?

"Is the baby.." she trailed off, as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"The baby is fine Natalie," I replied,"He or she is still kicking." Natalie smiled, and rubbed her stomach.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.

"I almost killed our baby," she sniffled.

"No you didn't Natalie," I cooed,"It's all Clark's fault. You couldn't do anything."

"I just-" I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth.

"You need to rest," I stated,"Don't stress yourself out. It's not good for the baby." Natalie gave me a questionable look.

"Did you read one of the baby books?" she smirked.

"I was on the toilet, and got bored okay," I sighed. Natalie laughed, and rolled my eyes.

"Surrre,"she chuckled.

"Shut up and sleep," I laughed, and kissed her forehead. I was walking out of room, when Natalie spoke up.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" she asked. I turned around, and gave her a confused look. She gestured down to her stomach, and I laughed. I walked back over to her, and gently placed a kiss on her stomach.

"Sorry little one, you were," I paused,"Hiding." Natalie chuckled, and I walked out of the room. I was walking through the living room when Avery walked up to me.

"Please go outside, and talk to Cole," she begged,"He's out of control."

"What's wrong with him?"I asked.

"He's p!ssed about losing Clark," she explained,"This is the angriest I've ever seen Cole."

"Lead the way,"I sighed. Avery walked me outside, where everyone was watching Cole. He was chopping wood with my beheading ax, in his white wife beater. I know...I know...It's a little medieval but the guys seem to enjoy it. 

"Cole," I announced. He didn't reply, and he kept cutting. "Cole," I repeated, and stepped closer to him. He stayed silent, and kept cutting. Kent, AJ, and Kai stood behind me in case things get...messy.

"Cole answer me when I'm talking to you!"I yelled. Cole through the ax down, and glared at me.

"What the fxck do you want!?"he yelled.

"I want you to calm the fxck down," I replied,"What happened to Natalie wasn't your fault."

"I know!" he yelled.

"Then why are you acting like this?" I yelled. Cole picked up the ax, and approached me. My muscles tensed as he walked towards me.

"Because," he growled,"I had him."

"Had who? Clark?" I asked.

"Yes!" Cole yelled,"I had him....and he escaped."

"How?" I asked.

"He had a friend," Cole growled, and walked passed me.

"Cole don't get to mad we'll get him," I admitted, and turned toward him,"And when we do we'll torture him, to death."

 "You won't get to torture him Carter," Cole stated.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because," he growled,"When I find Clark I'm gonna kill." Cole stormed into the house, and glanced at everyone.

"Give him a few days to cool off," I sighed,"He'll be fine."

I hope Cole calms down soon, or else we'll have to tranquilize him. We've done it before, and it wasn't easy. 

Well time to go work on Natalie's surprise.


Yay!!!! Natalie and the baby are okay!! All is right in the world....I think. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry it took a bit longer then intended.

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