'What did you have in mind?' My eyes shot to Harry who was looking very disturbed and a frown appeared on my face. He wasn't considering it, right? No he wouldn't, from all of us, Harry would be the one who disliked the idea the most. He didn't have a girlfriend, but he was definitely the most manly of us, always flirting with pretty girls or women. Besides him I was the only one single in the band. Zayn and Perrie were pointing a date for their wedding, wanting a winter setting, Louis had a very serious relationship with Eleanor and Liam was finally getting comfortable enough with Sophia to consider stepping it up.

'Well show some affection in public, just a bit more than usual and when the rumours start we will see what the next step is. At the end we can confirm it in an interview.' Dave explained slowly and there was a short silence. Finally Harry spoke the words that I had been thinking of just now. 'So all these years you've been saying we shouldn't be so affectionate towards each other in public and now we have to do the complete opposite?' It's like Dave had been expecting that question, which was quite logical, cause it was just really weird.

He played his fingers against each other, elbows on the table and nodded. 'I know it sounds strange, but we think it would place you in the spotlights again because it's so popular and homosexuality is getting a lot of attention lately.' He looked at all of is again with quirked eyebrows trying to see if we understood, but as no-one made effort to react on it, he continued.

'And for the picking... It is clear that Louis and Harry are the most popular with the fans.' Dave said hesitating slightly, but got an immediate response from Louis. 'No! No way man! I love the guys but I'm not doing that. Besides they won't believe it, I've got Eleanor.' He panicked, making big movements with his hands. If we weren't in this situation I would probably laugh at him, but now I just sat silently waiting for the outcome.

Dave shook his head at Louis's reaction. 'I get that. We weren't expecting any of you guys to give up your girlfriends. So that kind of leaves us with two of you.' Dave let his eyes rest on Harry for a moment before he eyed me. I didn't even realize what he meant till he quirked his eyebrows at me and said:' Harry? Niall?' I felt my cheeks heaten and turned my eyes to Harry who didn't even bother to look at Dave or me. He was just staring at his feet, his curls falling in front of his face. It didn't look like he was going to respond any time soon.

'I... I don't think that's a good idea.' I mumbled under my breath with a face red like a tomato. Only the idea of it made me uncomfortable. I mean, I wasn't gay and although it was only acting, I couldn't do that. I couldn't act like I was gay, let alone being in love with Harry, a bandmate and friend. Besides, everyone would see right through it.

'I know it's weird and stuff, but if you want the band to keep its fans and keep playing, this is probably the best way.' Dave stated the fact very clear. 'As soon as rumors appear, everyone will talk about it and everyone will want to talk to you trying to confirm the rumors. It will be a big boost to get the band back on track.' I knew he was trying to convince me by stating the positive things and kind of trying to make me feel guilty. And it worked cause I knew he was right. I bit my lip and dropped my eyes to the ground.

Luckily someone else raised his voice. 'Don't you dare Dave, don't try to make them feel guilty if they don't want this. They don't have to, not for you, not for the band. It's their choice only.' It was the first thing Zayn had said since he sat down and he sounded quite angry. His eyes were burning as he looked at Dave who put his hands up on defense. 'I don't, I really want to help you guys, but I can't if you don't want to. You must understand that.'

Before they could argue any more, Harry suddenly got to his feet. 'I understand that it's for a good cause and all, but I think it's best if we just think about it ourselves. Zayn's right, it's our choice and I don't want you trying to talk us into it. So if you don't mind, I want to go home now.' He ended his talk like he was very sure of his words. There was a silence for a while with Dave and Harry just looking at each other like they were having a staring contest.

'Okay then, you can go home. Just call us as soon as you made a descision.' Dave eventually gave in. I felt the relief stream through my body. I was glad that I don't have to decide here and now, but still... I had to decide and both choices weren't that positive. If I did do it, there was a chance that we would be able to continue our band like the way we were used to, but I would have to pretend to be gay and in love with my mate. If I didn't, that would mean the nearing end of our career as boyband and it was clear I didn't want that. The time I spend with the lads as a band had been incredible and I didn't even think I would know how to live a normal life.

'Niall, are you coming?' A voice near my ear said softly. I could feel the pressure of a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Liam standing with a worried face. I quickly nodded and got up to follow him out of the room. Zayn and Louis were looking at me with the same expression which made me quite uncomfortable. Stuffing my hands in my pockets I dropped my gaze and pazed behind them. 'Where's Harry?' I softly asked Louis who was nearest to me. 'Think he's already in the van, he kind of ran off after Dave said we could leave.' He answered with a caring smile. Did that mean Harry was just as uncomfortable with the situation as I was? Probably, who wouldn't be?

Before I could get in the van, Liam held me back by grabbing my arm. The others were already seated but Liam took a step back from the vehicle, eyeing me from head to toe. 'Ni, are you okay?' He asked with a lot of worry in his face. Maybe I was looking a bit pale or maybe the droplets of sweat on my forehead gave me away, but I still wasn't planning on telling Liam how miserable I felt at the moment. I knew he would only worry more. So I gave him a smile and said:' I'm fine, just... well a little bit shocked I guess.' By the way he squinted his eyes I knew he didn't fully believe it, but I didn't really care either. As long as he wouldn't smutter me in his worry, it was fine by me.

During the whole ride home nobody said a thing. When I had gotten in the car I shot a look at Harry who was looking out the window and now that we had arrived he was still in the same position. As soon as the van stopped at the hotel, he jumped out and when we got inside he had already gone upstairs to his and Louis's room

I understood he needed some alone-time and to be honest, so did I. So when we got to our floor, said a goodnight to Louis and walked into our room, I turned to Zayn and Liam. 'I'm tired so going straight to bed, goodnight.' I told them with a tiny smile. They just nodded and said their goodnights, cause they understood.

In 5 minutes I had crashed on the big bed Zayn and I shared, wearing a shirt and some sweatpants, because I was cold. Liam would sleep in the small bed that was in the other room, because he was the one who snored the most. I snuggled in the blanket feeling a bit dizzy and tired. Hopefully my head wouldn't feel like a mess tomorrow so I could maybe figure things out and decide what to do. For now I just shut all the thoughts down and closed my eyes.

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