Chapter 17.2 - The new plan

Start from the beginning

Jessica laughed with him, though deep inside, she wondered why he was playing along with her stupid jokes. She focused on the statue next to her. It represented a coiling snake with what appeared to be feathered wings. She turned to look at the other statue that flanked the staircase. It was identical. The feathered snake was the most powerful god of the Mayans and this appeared to be a temple dedicated to him.

As she looked up at the pyramid, Jessica's muscles relaxed. It was one of the most beautiful and impressive things she had ever seen in her life. It made her realize how small she was in this world, how fleeting. This building had been there before her and will continue to be, maybe for centuries. There were patches of moss on the steps, some of them were chipped and the rock was faded and weatherworn, but the building itself had suffered no major damage. It probably never would.

"This is how love should be," she whispered.

"Old and crumbling?" Jimmy asked.

Jessie looked at him. She hadn't expected him to hear. "No. Solid, sturdy, unbreakable, big..." She focused on the pyramid again. "Impressive, overwhelming, breathtaking and eternal." Heat rose to her cheeks. She dared glance at Jimmy.

His head was tilted slightly, as though he was measuring her. "I never saw things that way," he said quietly.

"Not exactly a romantic, are you?" she said before she could stop herself.

Jimmy rubbed his back absently. "I don't know if I'm romantic or not. I never got the chance to be so far."

He stared at her, his eyes narrowing the tiniest bit. Jessica stared back, her heart once again racing. He reached out his hand, grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled it gently, straightening the curl. It bounced back into a spring once he let it go.

"Have you ever tried straightening your hair? I bet it would reach your ankles."

Jessie rolled her eyes. "That's just what I need. Longer hair. I only left it this long to annoy my parents. They hate my hair. Keep bugging me to dye it into a more appropriate color."

Jimmy smiled and continued playing with her hair. "I like the color. I don't know how you managed it, but it suits you perfectly."

"Yes, well, probably because it's my natural hair-color."

Jimmy shook his head in disbelief. "You're naturally orange haired? Don't ever dye it then."

"You're the only person I've heard to ever like it." His fingers brushed her cheek when he reached out for another lock of her hair. Jessie took in a sharp breath and looked away. She should walk away. Now! But it was as if her feet were stuck in the carpet of dead vegetation. To make matters worse, Jimmy came even closer to her.

"Sorry. I should stop pulling at your hair. I just like how it bounces back." He put one finger on her cheek and turned her head. "You're not upset, are you?"

Upset? She had to concentrate with all her might not to shake like a leaf when he was so close. This wasn't right. He's out of bounds, Jessica. Stop thumping so loudly, you stupid heart! He's out of bounds. She'd never felt so attracted to anyone in her entire life.

"Jessie?" Jimmy squeezed her hands, in some sadistic way of getting her attention.

"No, I'm not upset." She could do nothing but stare back at him stupidly. Something else caught her attention and she frowned. "You have brown eyes."

"I know," he said warily, but couldn't suppress a smile.

"I thought they were black. It's the most beautiful color I've ever seen." Bad Jessica. Slap, slap!

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