Chapter 22 - Dragon Race

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Michael drove as fast as he was able to in amongst the cars while trying to lose Bobby in the car right behind him. He swerved around a corner, clearing a parked car, then continued down the the long road, minding other cars on his way and alerting a stationary police car. Michael glanced in his rear view mirror and saw the police car in between his and Bobby's cars and increased his speed, turning sharply around another corner down a separate street. Thankfully there weren't many cars out on a Sunday so, Michael didn't need to be as careful as he would have been on a weekday. He kept driving with the police car behind, who turned their lights and sirens on to alert the teenager he was in trouble. Michael suddenly swerved around a small line of cars at a red light and ran it over, startling the people inside them. As he came to another set of lights, they turned red, but he drove straight across at 70 mph with the police and Bobby still behind him and suddenly another car slammed into the police car right in front of Bobby, making him cry out in fright as the impact made him jump, but he didn't have to drive around it. The car drove so fast into the police car that it carried on going into a building. 

Bobby took that as a chance to close the distance between himself and Michael's car as another police car drove out into the road and appeared in front of Michael's car, preventing him from driving past. But the teenager tried to drive past the police car, but the driver was too quick. Michael slammed his foot down on the break and moved slightly out of the way as Bobby's car continued to drive at high speed and Michael appeared behind him, ready. Bobby accelerated beside the police car and rammed into the side of it, pushing it away repeatedly as Michael watched from behind. He gasped in horror and surprise as the police car suddenly flipped up onto its roof and skidded down the road as if it were still on four wheels. Sparks flew underneath it, as the lights and metal scrapped along the tar mac road. Bobby began to lose control and he couldn't control it as his car ploughed into a stationary truck parked outside a shop on the road, making it rotate and turn to face Michael's car, then it flipped in mid air and landed on the driver's side doors, throwing Bobby's head against the side and knocking him out. 

Michael narrowly drove straight down the middle of the gap between the two wrecked cars and turned the car around to face the crash site. He turned off the car and sat there staring at it for a second before climbing out and walking calmly toward Bobby's tipped up car, its wheels still spinning. Michael slowed his pace at the back of the car and slowly walked up to the windscreen, standing in front of it for a moment to look at his brother. He was slumped in an almost upright position against the ground where the window was and his eyes were wide and staring at the teenager in front of him, a pistol in his hand across his stomach as police sirens echoed down the road, making him turn and look toward the noise. "Mikey..." Bobby managed to say in between the shaking and trembling. He watched as his little brother faced him once again and took a deep breath as he felt something crack underneath him. "I want to say..." He stopped and took another breath while still shaking. "... I'm sorry for everything I've put you... and her through" He said, and slowly turned the gun up in his hand so the barrel was pointing at his face.

"No you're not" Michael replied, shaking his head and glaring down at his older brother who was covered in blood in the twisted position he was sat in, glass in his skin and blood pouring out of the side of the car. He turned his head away as he noticed Bobby's finger press down on the trigger, clicking with each movement as the police cars drove up and stopped behind Michael. As the officer's jumped out of their cars, Bobby swung his arm up and pointed the gun at Michael's back as he began to walk away, then he fired and Michael fell forwards onto the road, the bullet passing straight past his spine and out through the other side just underneath his left lung. He landed on his hands and eased himself down painfully until his stomach and face were against the road and the muffled sound of gunfire echoed in his brain. Finally, a stream of tears fell down his face and landed on the road beneath his eyes and he burst out in hysterical and loud sobs of pain and anguish as Bobby died in the car behind him, his eyes shut. 

As an ambulance raced onto the scene, Michael stopped screaming and laid still on the ground, his hands flat on the floor as a police officer tried to kneel down beside his head and look down at his face to see if he was alright. He saw Michael's eyes were clamped shut and his teeth showing as he grimaced and groaned with the pain, then his eyes suddenly flashed open as a surge of pain flew through his body from his spine, rendering him unable to move. He watched as police men got back into their cars and as a stretcher was wheeled out beside him, then a paramedic got on their knees to look at Michael's face like the police man had done, but this time, Michael couldn't hear anything, as if his sense were completely numb and the only thing he could do was cry at the pain and watch the world carry on. He allowed the paramedics to roll him over onto his back and lift him quickly onto the stretcher as the bullet dropped out of his body and landed on the ground. And as the stretcher was secured into place in the ambulance, Michael's eyes stayed open while he watched a middle aged man dressed in green paramedics uniform attach a drip to his numb arm and cut open his shirt, revealing his wound; a small hole just underneath his ribs surrounded by a few drops of blood. Feeling his eyes getting heavier, the sight of the green man got blurry and the bright lights of the ambulance got dimmer and darker as he felt himself slip away and, taking a final breath, Michael's eyes closed. 

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