Chapter 9 - Sexy Imagination

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The buzz single of Michael's phone in his pocket was enough to wake him from his slumber and he pried open his eyes, still laying facing the wall. He sat up and spotted Emma's laying on her back at the edge of the upper floor as some cold air hit her body and she shuddered, folding her arms so her hands could warm up. Michael stood and watched her as she moved subtly and silently, considering whether or not to sit with her. Then he felt the cold hit and rubbed his bare fore-arms and walked across the bare floor to the ladder, disturbing Emma as he went and making her sit up as she realised he was finally awake. "Hey" She said, taking out her earphones as his footsteps vibrated the floorboards.

"Hi" Michael replied, only glancing down at her as he walked to the ladder. He placed his hands and feet on the outsides of the ladder and got ready to expertly slide down it.

"Michael" Emma said, making him stop and look at her, gripping the ladder so not to slide down yet. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I shouldn't have provoked you like that" She murmured, placing her hands on the floor either side of her.

Michael stared at her expressionless, and lightly nodded as he accepted her apology. "I get angry sometimes. It's fine"

"And I'm sorry for what Luke said. I don't believe you killed those people. It was probably someone else and you just got the blame" She added, shifting her bum to sit on her hands. Michael lowered her eyes and looked away from her inviting body, then slid down the wooden ladder expertly and took a few steps toward the door, but stopped as he noticed it was dark outside. "What is it?" Emma asked, drawing back his lost attention.

"Do you want a ride home?" He asked as he turned back to her. He watched as she attempted to climb down the ladder, tripping on a step and almost falling off, but she held on then suddenly felt Michael's hands on her waist as he supported her. He guided her safely down the rest of the way until she was standing on the floor with her back to him frozen. She waited for him to make a move and closer her eyes as she heard him smell the perfume on her neck, causing her to tilt her neck a little. "We should go" He whispered, removing his hands from her waist, but remaining there.

Emma turned to face him and gazed up at his green eyes in the dark. "I don't want to go home yet" She told him quietly, inching closer to him.

"Your dad will probably get mad if you're home after dark" Michael's eyes were drawn to Emma's as if he were hypnotised to look at them. They we so inviting and he wanted to hold her again. But he swallowed hard and grit his teeth inside his mouth, struggling to keep control. Their noses were only just touching as Emma inched closer and hesitated to raise her hands to Michael's face. But he stepped back suddenly and scratched the back of his neck, pushing up his SnapBack in the process. He stopped went he reached the barn doors and paused, his hand on the wood as he contemplated. Emma watched him imagining what he could do to her and what she could do to him. She imagined laying in bed with him with only a sheet covering their naked bodies as sunlight spilled in through a window. But she was brought out of her dirty mind by the sound of the car starting outside. Blinking, she brushed off her thoughts and ran to the open barn door, seeing Michael's car headlights on and the engine rumbling. "Come on, I'll take you home" She heard Michael tell her from the drivers seat as she walked in the glare of the headlights, her shirt off one shoulder, exposing her collar bone. Michael stared at her as she walked to the car and climbed in, then concentrated on driving and turned the car around in the direction of the road.

They drove in silence back to Emma's house, occasionally glancing at the other while they weren't looking. Emma thought about what her dad would say if she told him the truth about what she was doing and why she was home so late, meanwhile Michael thought about what his brother would do to him if he was drunk when he returned home. He shuddered at the thought and nearly swerved out of control. "Woah!" Emma yelled suddenly as the car swerved to the right, throwing her against the door.

"Sorry... there was a... a skateboard in the road" He hesitated and cleared his throat, gripping the steering wheel with both hands. He glanced at Emma but she was looking out the window at the houses as they passed along the road. Michael slowed and stopped just outside Emma's house, and pulled the hand-break on while she took off her seatbelt. "Home sweet home" He said in a voice near a whisper and leaned his temples on two fingers.

Emma met his gaze as she turned to him with her hand on the door handle. "Thank you, Michael" She said.

"For what?" He replied and furrowing his eyebrows.

Emma's heart sank, but she put on a smile. "For the lift home. I had a fun" She told him.

Michael smiled back and bowed his head to her a little. "I'm glad" He said before Emma placed her hand on the back of his neck and leaned in to kiss him, but Michael put his hands up in between them quickly to stop her, and looked away nervously. "You should go inside" He whispered and returned his attention to the steering wheel. Again, Emma's heart sank and she faced the front, her phone in her hand as she removed her other hand from Michael's neck, then quickly climbed out of the car and slammed the door, striding up to the front door as a light came on upstairs. Michael took that as his ticket to leave and he drove away, a hint of frustration in his mind. Emma watched the car through the window as it drove off.

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