Chapter 12 - Thunder

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Michael scrolled through Emma's phone while she drove along the main road and towards her house. He checked her Facebook and Twitter profiles, Instagram and Snapchat, adding his own accounts in the process of making security checks on her phone. A text message popped down at the top of the screen from an unknown number and Michael stared at it, recognising it. He waited for the notification to disappear before sliding the top screen down and discreetly reading the message. "Oh my god" Michael said, recognising his brothers number. "Pull over!" He told Emma, making her panic. She slowed the car to a stop just a few yards from her house while Michael got out his revolver and shoved it into the waistband of his jeans, pulling his shirt down over it. She watched confused as Michael jumped out of the car and ran around the other side, opening her door. "Don't leave without me, okay. As soon as you see my coming out, you start the engine and move across, do you understand me?" He questioned, placing a hand on her neck to make her look into his glowing emerald eyes.

"Yes, but-" Emma replied, trying to ask something, but Michael had already closed the door and was darting toward the front door, the revolver invisible behind his clothes. She watched unsure of what he might do with a gun in her house.

He entered the house quietly and shut the door without a sound, pulling his gun out and holding it in both hands. He took a deep breath before creeping around the door into the living room where the television was still on showing a cricket game against South Africa. Michael carried on around the next corner into the dining room, noticing the breakfast dishes still unwashed in the sink. He glanced behind him and crept through into the kitchen, looking both ways before going inside and looking around with his eyes, careful not to touch anything. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, and Emma still in the car still outside, Michael moved silently to the staircase and began climbing them slowly as he listened to the noises of the upstairs rooms. There was the sounds of shuffling feet and spilt paper scattering across the floor, then a man curse under his breath as Michael reached the top of the stairs, his gun ready. 

He checked one of the bedrooms and noticed it was Emma's and as the door opposite swung open, he ducked into the white door and watched the man through the crack of the door frame. Michael recognised the man as Emma's wealthy dad, and held the gun behind his back so the middle aged man wouldn't see if he caught the teenager snooping around his house. The man closed the bathroom door, and made his way back down the stairs to the living room. Michael stepped out from his hiding place and moved back to the stairs as the man turned off the television and appeared around the corner, making Michael rush back into Emma's room and hide again, his feet silenced by the fluffy carpet. Inside his head, Michael cursed as the man passed the wide open door of his daughters occupied room and made his way to the closed door at the end of the hallway. He entered the room and switched on the light, revealing a bare office room with a desk, a computer and a big black work chair. He took off his tie and faced the computer, giving Michael only a few seconds to slip past him and make it to the stairs, then Michael expertly slid down the banister without touching it with his hands and exited through the front door. 

Upon seeing Michael and remembering his instructions, Emma switched on the engine and leapt across into the passenger seat, as the teenage boy opened the driver's door and jumped in. Within a few seconds, Michael's foot was on the accelerator and he drove the car away before Emma's dad could move the blinds and look out of his office window. "What's going on?" Emma fired at Michael, turning in her seat to face him with her whole body. 

Michael gripped the steering wheel with both hands and grimaced at the pains in his wrist. "I can't tell you, he'll kill me" He replied, almost whispering as he glanced in the rear view mirrors and exited the grand neighbourhood. 

"Who will?" She asked, even more confused. "Michael tell me!" She spat. 

"It doesn't matter!" Michael yelled, turning onto the main road while cutting up a few on coming cars and almost crashing into them. 

"Yes it does! You have to tell me why you went into my house with a loaded gun, Michael. I'm involved now!" Emma cried, her arms spread out to keep her from being thrown about with Michael's wide driving. 

He was silent for a moment, annoyed with Emma's stubbornness. Then he spoke as the car began to pick up speed on the main road out of the town."Not here. I'll take you somewhere safe and tell you everything there, but you have to promise never to tell anyone else ever otherwise he'll kill me and you and anyone else who knows about us. You understand me?" Michael said, taking his eyes off the road for a moment to look seriously at Emma, showing he wasn't messing around. It took a while, but Emma agreed and sat with her feet up on the seat and her knees underneath her chin. She watched as Michael moved awkwardly in his seat to pull the gun out from the waistband of his jeans, then put it into the glove box and covered it up with some pieces of paper, making her think why she was involved with him in the first place. Their whole relationship boiled down to that insane moment when Michael almost crashed into her car only a few days ago. 

Human Sized Hurricane | Michael Cliffordजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें