Chapter 2 •rewritten•

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"Okay so for the next project, I need you to pair up with your seat mate, because it'd be a huge project, I'll give you all the list of things you should buy tomorrow and i'll also give you the paper untuk ngelakuin projectnya" Mrs. Eve said. No I don't want to pair up with Grayson. Ya he's cute but kalo gue kerjain project ini bareng dia, berarti gue harus komunikasi which means we're friends? No, that's a no.

"I object, I don't want to pair up with my SEAT MATE" I said the seat mate part out loud.

"Do you want to pass or no? I'll make it easy for you Ms. Green!"

"Hey babyyyyy!!" Pacar gue, Brian dateng and hug me from behind. We're currently at the cafetaria right now sitting with the popular kids. Hubungan gue sama Brian sekarang masih on and off, and now I'm not in the mood.

"Hey Brian" I said as I kissed his cheek.

"Wait, no lips?" He said.

"I saw you earlier talking to that new guy this morning, care to explain?"

"Oh ya nama nya Grayson and dia ga sengaja ngedorong gue dari belakang, so he asked for an apologize and I forgave him"

"Wait? Since when lo maafin orang?" Brian said.

"Guys please we're not in the mood to hear y'all fight, just please be civil for a second" Jason, one of the popular kids said.

"Bicarainnya ntar aja.." I said. Brian berdiri dari sebelah gue dan duduk di sebelah Jason. What's up with him? While I was eating my lunch, my eyes caught Grayson talking with Hannah. Bitch please, Grayson is off limit. Better talk to him.

"Caz gue mau ke toilet bentar, don't follow me it's alright" I said as I approach Grayson. I walk towards them and when I get close to them, mereka berdua ngeliatin gue. I hate hannah. Bukan karena dia ngobrol sama Grayson, cause well she's annoying.

"Uhm what are you doing?" I asked grayson.

"I was uh.. I was talking.. to Hannah.. why?"

"I'm sorry Han-ugh or whatever your name is but Grayson is off limit, bye" I said as I pull Grayson. What is this? Jealousy? Gue jalan ke arah loker gue sambil narik Grayson.

"Wait wait, stop, who are you?" Grayson said.

"Don't play dumb, you are off limit.."

"You're not my mother you can't order me or whatever, you're not even my friend, I don't even know your name, so terserah gue mau ngomong sama siapa"

"Are you done?" I said. Dia cuman ngeliat ke muka gue dengan serius.

"What do you want?" He asked. Fuck? Gue bahkan gatau apa yang gue pengen. Shit! Val! Cari alibi biar lo ga ceming ah.

"Uhm.. since we're lab partners of project partners of whAtever that shit Mrs eve talking about, I want you to come over to my house, hari ini, pulang sekolah, i'll meet you at the parking lot"

"But what project? We're not in the same class, I don't share classes with whoever you are"

"Ssshhh" I ssh him by putting my pointer finger on his plump lips.

"Gue gamau denger keluhan, meet me at the parking lot after school"

"Ethan! Bro!" Someone yells toward us. Wait? That's Grayson! Who the fuck is this? What the? What the fuck?

"What the fuck?" I said.

"Oh my god Ms. Green, why are you talking to my brother?"

"Wait what the fuck? Grayson? Are you guys twins?"

"No, we're not" they said in unsion.

"Of course we are!" They said in unsion again.

"Soo.. who is who? I'm still confused"

"I'm Grayson, and this is Ethan my twin brother"

"So I was talking to Ethan selama ini?"

"Yeah I guess..?" Grayson said.

"Why didn't you tell me you have a twin bro?!" I asked Grayson.

"Why would I tell you if you're not allowed me to talk to you?" Grayson said. Well he's right. I just looked at them both and walk off. I'm still confused!

Gue lagi di last period which is Math. I kinda love Math but I don't want to sound like a nerd. I have straight A's at Math. Brian, pacar gue, ada di kelas ini juga so is Za, my bestfriend. Za itu sahabat gue dari kecil, kebetulan bokap nyokap kita emang udah temenan dari dulu and also he is my nextdoor neighbor. We have no boundaries, literally like no. Have we ever punya perasaan ke satu sama lain? The answer is NO. We have never. Weird right? He's smokin hot and all but he's not tipe gue.

"Stop daydreaming about me V" Z said while smiling at me. Za duduk di sebelah gue. Kenapa bukan Brian yang duduk di sebelah gue? Cause I love math and I don't wanna fail. Kalo gue duduk di sebelah Brian bawaan nya pacaran mulu.

"Ahh you have to stop reading my mind Za" I said while mukul dia. Iya, ga beneran ko, this is why me and Za are bestfriend. We have the same sense of humor. Kita ngertiin satu sama lain and our conversation nyambung.

"I saw you talking to that anak baru, he should be on the football team " Za said.

After the last period, Za walked me to my car cause kita lagi ngobrol and gamau nge akhirin obrolon kita.

"What? He has a twin bro? No way" Za said sambil ngestop gue.

"I know right??!!" I said.

Pas kita udah di deket mobil gue, gue ngeliat di depan mobil gue ada cowo. When I came closer, gue ngeliat Grayson, or is that Ethan? Za ngeliat ke arah gue dengan bingung. I hurried to the car to approach whoever this guy is.

"Wait, what are you doing here? And are you ..?"

"Yes, I'm Grayson, Ethan told me that tadi pas kalian ngobrol the one that you mistaken me from Eth, lo nyuruh gue nemuin lo?" Grayson said. Wow, demi apa sampe Ethan ngasih tau itu ke Grayson? Dan sekarang Grayson nge lakuin ini? What the hell.

"I'm.. uh- i'm"

"Why are you stuttering?" Grayson said while looking at Za.

"Yo, what's up? I'm Za" Sahut Za sambil ngasih tangannya untuk cas.

"Yeah I'm the new greenie, Grayson Dolan" Grayson said while reciprocating Za's high five.

"Yep as you see, i'm her bestfriend, so can you stay the fuck away from her?!" Za said. Wtf Za??

Confusing [ dolan twins [ EDITING ] ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin