Chapter 1 •rewritten•

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My phone's alarm went off. Well summer break is over which means I have to go back to school. I woke up and got ready for school. Gue ga terlalu benci sama sekolah, well because high school is my kingdom. Lagian selama summer break I had nothing to do so I kinda miss school.

"Crap! I didn't plug the charger last night, my phone about to die, what should i do, Val?" Annie said

"lo ketiduran mulu, yaudah ntar pas di mobil lo ngecas aja."

"Hahaha iya, gue cape banget tadi malem."

"Cepetan sono beres-beres ntar kita telat, pea."

"Bacot lo, Val."

Gue jalan ke dapur untuk bikin sarapan. And after I had my breakfast, Gue sama Annie berangkat ke sekolah.

"Yo! Val! What's up bitcchhhhh" Casey manggil

"Yo caseyyyy! I miss you goofy!"

"What are you talking about? kita baru aja ketemu kemarin!"
sahut Casey sambil meluk gue.

I walk towards school with Casey. Ya, Casey sahabat gue, we're like two peas in a pod. We rule this high school. Casey udah gue anggep keluarga cause we're really close like sooo close.

"Shit I got Mr. Rodrick for my first period!! I hate Mr. Rodrick like hell!" I said.

"Hahaha you're dead already, last year, I got kicked out from his class because I turned on my cellphone during his lesson" Casey said.

Gue jalan ke arah loker gue dan casey. Pas gue nyampe di loker tiba-tiba ada orang yg ngedorong gue.

"What the hell?!!! Watch where you're going!" gue teriak sebel.

Gue hadep kebelakang, wow he's hot! Since when the Valerie admit someone who's not my boyfriend is hot???

"Ah shit I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to do that! Please forgive me, I'm new here I don't want any trouble in my first day, i'll do anything I promise!" Dang he's sweet!!!!!

"it's fine, it's okay" I said. Wait what? Sejak kapan gue pernah maafin stranger gitu aja? Ugh?!! What's gotten into me?

"Noo! Really, I'd do anything ..."

"Nah it's fine, nama lo siapa?" I asked this cute boy.

"Oh I'm Grayson Dolan, I just transferred here and I'm lost.. so kaya gue bilang, I'd do anything you order me to do.."

"I told you it's fine Gra.. what is that again? Anyway don't make me change my mind, I don't do nice here.."

"As you wish then.. makasih .. hm I didn't get your name..?"

"Uh you'll find out soon!" I said.

"C'mon Val! Ntar lo telat!" Casey narik gue. Gue jalan kearah Casey ninggalin that Grayson guy. what did I just do? Being nice?? That's not me!

"WAIT!" Grayson said. Gue ngeliat ke arah dia without saying anything.

"Lo tau ga dimana room .. 179?"

"Yes.. but I have to go.." I said. "But this guy can take you there.. see you around Grayson Dolan" I said as I pull some nerd to order him to take Grayson to room 179. Hell nah Bitch, i'm not going to be that nice to take cute guy to their class. Lo kirain gue babu?
*bell rings*
karena udh bell jd gue harus buru-buru ke kelas nya Mr. Rodrick, which is pretty boring. gue harus lari masuk ke kelas karena kalo gue telat gue bakal dapet detention. and it sucks.

I head to my second class which is Biology. While I entered the class everyone's eyes are on me. Well I'm the queen here so those peasants better treat me like a queen. Wait.. Grayson di kelas Biologi juga? Shit kenapa gue deg deg an sih? It's just Grayson. He entered the class and look for a chair to sit. Mrs. Eve told everyone to sit while Grayson still standing like a lost puppy.

"Well Hello you, are you new here?" Mrs. Eve said

"Yeah I just transferred here, My name is Grayson Dolan Mrs.."

Shit I'm in love with his voice. Gue kenapa sih?

"Well you can take a seat right there.." Mrs. Eve said while pointing a seat next to me. Wtf I can't seat with him! Gue seharusnya duduk sendiri cause well i told you i'm the queen here!

"I'm sorry Mrs. Eve but this seat is taken" I said.

"Well selama pelajaran, I've never seen someone sit next to you, so I'm afraid that seat is not taken Ms. Green"

"Sorry Mrs. but it is taken with my Fendi purse" I said as everyone laughing.

"Do you want to go to detention or you want to share that seat Ms. Green!" Mrs. Eve said as I made an eye contact with Grayson. He seems nervous.

"Ya ya whatever.." I said as gue pindahin my Fendi purse

"Take a seat Mr. Dolan"

Grayson jalan ke arah kursi di sebelah gue dan duduk di sebelah gue. I just realized that he has a huge bicep. Wow. And that jawline, yumm. Tapi gue harus tetap di my queen reputation, gaada kata ramah atau baik ke semua orang di kamus gue. Well even tho he's cute and all, gotta keep my reputation as my first priority.

"Just so you know, you're the first person that ever sit in that chair. And just because I didn't bark on you when you pushed me, and I let you sit next to me, doesn't mean I'm nice to you. Everyone that sit next to me are just my friends and my friends only, but you're not one. I'm warning you, Dolan. We're not friends so we don't talk. Am I clear?"

"Uh uhm.. yea.. but Gue beneran minta maaf about-" before he could finish the sentence, I shhs him by putting my pointer finger on his lips. DAMN IT'S SO PLUMP AND SOO PINK!.

"We.. Don't.. Talk.. Remember?!"

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